TALIS Video Study: Findings and implications for mathematics teaching in England
30th November 2020 : 17:00 - 18:00
Category: Public Seminar
Research Group: Researcher | Subject Pedagogy
Speaker: Associate Professor Jenni Ingram, Department of Education
Location: Online - Microsoft Teams Live
Convener: Katharine Burn
Audience: Public
The TALIS Video Study is an international study of mathematics teaching practices in eight countries or jurisdictions.
This seminar will explore what the TALIS Video Study can tell us about what mathematics teaching looks like in England, and how these different teaching practices are related to student learning, interest and self-efficacy in mathematics.
About the speaker
Jenni Ingram is Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the Department of Education and Fellow of Linacre College.
She is also a Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and the Royal Statistical Society. She is currently a member of the Mathematics Expert Group for PISA 2021 and the UK observation expert for the TALIS 2018 Video study.
Find out more about Jenni here
This seminar will be of interest to mostly mathematics teachers and mathematics education researchers, but also researchers in school effectiveness and international comparative work.