First sessions announced for public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from school and its consequences’

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Category: News

There are vast differences in the rates of permanent school exclusion in different parts of the UK with numbers rising rapidly in England but remaining relatively low or even falling in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Latest figures show there were 7,900 permanent exclusions in England compared to just five in Scotland, not accounting for many informal and illegal forms of exclusion.

In October the ESRC granted £2.55million of funding for multi-disciplinary research to be conducted on the political economies and consequences of school exclusions across the UK, led by the department’s Professor Harry Daniels and Dr Ian Thompson. In this research, home international comparisons of historical and current policy, practice and legal frameworks relating to school exclusion will be conducted for the first time.

Our Hilary Term 2020 Public Seminar Series will provide an opportunity to explore the themes raised during this project, convened by Professor Daniels and Dr Thompson. There will be ample opportunity for full public participation in discussion at each.

The scheduled dates and speakers for the first sessions in this series are:

  • Monday 20 January ‘Exclusion in the Four Jurisdictions of the UK’ Harry Daniels and Ian Thompson (Department of Education, University of Oxford)
    Book your place here.
  • Monday 27 January ‘Alternative Provision and School Exclusions’ Martin Mills (Institute of Education, University College London)
    Book your place here.
  • Monday 3 February ‘Behaviour and Attitudes in the Education Inspection Framework’ Matthew Purves (Ofsted)
    Book your place here.

Further events in the six-part series will be made available on our event pages as soon as they’re available. Alternatively, sign up to our mailing list to receive the full programme by email once it has been confirmed.

For more information on the ESRC-funded research project into the impact of UK school visit:

In November, the inaugural Rees Centre Annual Lecture 2019 was delivered by a panel of speakers on the topic school exclusions and issues for looked after and adopted children. The full recording of the event is available here.

About the department’s public seminar series

The Department of Education’s Public Seminar Series are held on a termly basis throughout the academic year and are designed to engage wider audiences in topical research areas across the department. Seminars are free to attend and open to all. Each series is convened by a member of the department and seminars are held on most Mondays during term from 5pm. Speakers include a wealth of academics from across the department and the wider University, as well as internationally recognised professionals from across the globe. All upcoming seminars are publicised, in advance, on the department’s event pages.
