More than forty school leaders from eleven primary schools in Oxford gathered on Thursday 17 January at the Oxford Holiday Inn for the launch of the innovative ‘Leadership for Learning’ programme.
This programme will run over the next two years and has been designed by a consortium led from our own Department of Education, together with colleagues from Oxford Brookes’ School of Education and a partnership of local schools known as Education Excellence in Oxfordshire. At the heart of the programme is a commitment to learning through enquiry and to the use of evidence in improving leadership and attainment in the schools.
University’s historic bid to improve city schools
Oxford Times, p.1-2, Reg Little, 17/01/13
Oxford University is spearheading a new drive to raise standards at primary schools in some of the city’s most disadvantaged areas. Both Oxford University and Oxford Brookes are participating in the scheme, which is funded by Oxford City Council. The Leadership for Learning programme will provide training days, workshops, coaching and mentoring to improve schools. The historic town-gown initiative is being launched today to allow under-performing Oxford schools to benefit from the educational expertise on their doorstep. It will see dozens of headteachers, senior teachers and chairmen of governors from 11 primary schools “serving the most disadvantaged communities” working with some of the most experienced educational leaders in the country. The director of the programme is Ian Menter, professor of teacher education at Oxford University. He said: “’Every day, primary teachers are faced with a myriad of challenges: for example, working more closely with parents or supporting bilingual learners for whom English is an additional language. How to tackle these issues is not always easy or straightforward. We hope teachers and governors will be able to tap into a pool of expertise.’
Universities step in to support schools
Oxford Mail, p. 4, Reg Little, 17/01/13
Initiatives must be co-ordinated with each other
Oxford Mail, Editorial, p. 10, 17/01/13
Editorial: ‘Today’s announcement of a historic town-gown initiative between Oxford’s two universities and Oxford City Council, which is funding the Leadership for Learning programme, is a welcome addition, bringing together as it does some of the most experienced educational leaders in the country with schools that serve “the most disadvantaged communities”.’
£300K help for Oxford primaries
Heart FM website, 17/01/2013
Oxford University and Oxford Brookes University have joined up to run a programme to help staff at 11 schools in Oxford improve children’s maths and reading skills.
Radio: Phil Gayle and Friends, BBC Radio Oxford
17/01/13, 06.10, 07.38 and on news bulletins throughout the programme
Oxford University, Oxford Brookes University and Oxford City Council are to develop a programme to improve leadership in eleven Oxford primary schools.