Katharine is an Associate Professor of Education and Course Director of the PGCE programme.

Katharine is also Honorary Secretary of the Historical Association and has variously served as Chair of its Secondary Committee (2013-18) and as Vice President (2018-21). She is a co-editor of the professional journal Teaching History and an Editor of the History Education Research Journal.  She is also currently a Fellow of the Schools History Project.

In addition to her teaching on the PGCE programme (particularly within the history subject strand), Katharine teaches and supervises students on the MSc Learning and Teaching and the MSc in Teacher Education.

Katharine’s research interests and doctoral supervision focus particularly on the fields of history education and teacher education (both policy and practice) at all career stages.  She is interested in the ways in which teachers engage with research – and has been involved in several participatory research projects with teachers, leading to joint publications. She worked for several years (2016-22) as Coordinator of the Oxford Education Deanery: a multi-strand partnership with schools, focused on the development of teachers’ research engagement through initial teacher education, early career professional learning and collaborative university/school research projects.  She contributed to the BERA-RSA Inquiry into the Role of Research in Teacher Education (2013-14) and represented BERA at presentations of the final report in the US and Australia.

Katharine is a co-director of the Historical Association’s regular survey of history teaching in England and is particularly passionate about promoting access to history for all young people and supporting teachers’ continued engagement with historical scholarship. She has explored ways in which the knowledge exchange and impact agenda has been harnessed to support sustained, subject-rich CPD for teachers and served as an Impact Assessor for the History sub-panel for REF2021.

Katharine is a Fellow of St Cross College.


Honorary Secretary of the Historical Association since June 2021


  • Dumay, X., & Burn, K. (2022). Introduction: The status of the teaching profession (pp. 1-14).

  • Dumay, X., & Burn, K. (2022). The Status of the Teaching Profession: Interactions Between Historical and New Forms of Segmentation (pp. 1-173).

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Thompson, I. (2022). Practical Theorising in Teacher Education, Holding Theory and Practice Together. Taylor & Francis.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., Hagger, H., & Thirlwall, K. (2018). Teacher Education Partnerships Policy and Practice.

  • Tatto, M., Burn, K., Menter, I., Mutton, T., & Thompson, I. (2017). Learning to Teach in England and the United States: The Evolution of Policy and Practice. Routledge.

  • Counsell, C., Burn, K., & Chapman, A. (2016). MasterClass in History Education Transforming Teaching and Learning Introduction (pp. 1-2).

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Hagger, H. (2015). Beginning Teachers’ Learning: Making experience count (I. Menter, Ed.).

  • Book chapters
  • Tatto, M., Menter, I., Burn, K., Clark, C., Ikoma, S., LeTendre, G., Mayer, D., & Mutton, T. (2023). Learning to Teach: Building Global Research Capacity for Evidence-Based Decision-Making. In The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research (pp. 1511-1559). Springer Nature.

  • Dumay, X., & Burn, K. (2022). Introduction. In The Status of the Teaching Profession (pp. 1-14). Routledge.

  • Dumay, X., & Burn, K. (2022). Afterword. In The Status of the Teaching Profession (pp. 167-168). Taylor & Francis.

  • Mulholland, M., Thompson, I., & Todd, J. (2022). Theorising practices of inclusive pedagogy: a challenge for initial teacher education. In K. Burn, T. Mutton, & I. Thompson (Eds.), Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 113-126). Routledge.

  • Burn, K., & Harries, E. (2022). SUSTAINING PRACTICAL THEORISING AS THE BASIS FOR PROFESSIONAL LEARNING AND SCHOOL DEVELOPMENT. In Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 199-214).

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Thompson, I. (2022). THE ROLE OF PRACTICAL THEORISING IN TEACHER EDUCATION: Formulation, critique, defence and new challenges. In Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 11-31).

  • Burn, K., & Menter, I. (2022). Patterns of segmentation within the teaching profession and teacher education in England, 1870–2020. In The Status of the Teaching Profession (pp. 15-37). Taylor & Francis.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Hagger, H. (2022). Can initial teacher education partnerships maintain their epistemological and pedagogical underpinnings in light of market-driven reforms? The case of England. In International Encyclopedia of Education: Fourth Edition (pp. 83-92).

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., Thompson, I., & Childs, A. (2021). The complex policy landscape of initial teacher education in England: what’s the problem represented to be?. In D. Mayer (Ed.), Teacher education policy and research: Global perspectives (pp. 57-71). Springer.

  • Ingram, J., Burn, K., Fiddaman, J., Penfold, C., & Tope, C. (2021). The Influence of and Interactions Between Different Contexts in the Learning and Development of Mathematics Teacher Educators. In The Learning and Development of Mathematics Teacher Educators (pp. 263-280). Springer Nature.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., Thompson, I., & Childs, A. (2021). The Complex Policy Landscape of Initial Teacher Education in England: What’s the Problem Represented to Be?. In Teacher Education Policy and Research (pp. 57-71). Springer Nature.

  • Menter, I., Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2019). Learning to Teach in England: Reviewing Policy and Research Trends. In Knowledge, Policy and Practice in Teacher Education: a Cross-National Study: Work carried out by an International Research Network of the World Education Research Association (pp. 60-80).

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Hagger, H. (2017). Towards a Principled Approach for School-Based Teacher Educators: Lessons from Research. In A Companion to Research in Teacher Education (pp. 105-120). Springer Nature.

  • Burn, K. (2016). Sustaining the Unresolving Tensions within History Education and Teacher Education. In MASTERCLASS IN HISTORY EDUCATION: TRANSFORMING TEACHING AND LEARNING (pp. 233-242).

  • Burn, K. (2015). The Gove Legacy in the Curriculum: The Case of History. In The Gove Legacy (pp. 47-62). Springer Nature.

  • BURN, K., & TODD, J. (n.d.). Getting the question right: Reconciling students’ needs and interests with the demands of disciplinary history. In R. Bain, A. Chapman, A. Kitson, & T. Shreiner (Eds.), International Review of History Education Volume 9: History Education and Historical Enquiry. Information Age.

  • Dumay, X., & Burn, K. (n.d.). Introduction. In The Status of the Teaching Profession (pp. 1-14). Taylor & Francis.

  • Journal articles
  • Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2024). Does initial teacher education (in England) have a future?. Journal of Education for Teaching International Research and Pedagogy, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-19.

  • Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2024). Does initial teacher education (in England) have a future?. Journal of Education for Teaching.

  • Burn, K., Ingram, J., Molway, L., & Mutton, T. (2022). Beyond reactive responses to enduring growth: the transformation of principles and practices within initial teacher education. Journal of Education for Teaching, 48, 441-458.

  • Burn, K., & Menter, I. (2021). Making sense of teacher education in a globalising world: the distinctive contribution and challenges inherent in a socio-cultural approach. Comparative Education Review, 65(4), 770-789.

  • Burn, K. (2020). Oral history in schools: practice as reflected in the Historical Association’s professional journals. Oral History, 48(2), 113-122.

  • Burn, K., Conway, R., Edwards, A., & Harries, E. (2020). The role of school-based Research Champions in a school-university partnership. British Educational Research Journal, 47(3), 616-633.

  • Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2020). Doing things differently: responding to the ‘policy problem’ of teacher education in Wales. Cylchgrawn Addysg Cymru Wales Journal of Education, 22(1), 85-112.

  • Harris, R., Courtney, L., Ul-Abadin, Z., & Burn, K. (2019). Student access to the curriculum in an age of performativity and accountability: an examination of policy enactment. Research Papers in Education, 35(2), 228-248.

  • Chapman, A., Burn, K., & Kitson, A. (2018). ¿Para qué sirve la enseñanza de la historia? Perspectivas de docentes y estudiantes británicos. Arbor, 194(788).

  • Burn, K., & Mutton, T. (2018). Constructing the curriculum of (initial) teacher education: when should new teachers be encouraged to ask critical questions?. Impact: Journal of the Chartered College of Teaching, 4.

  • Thompson, I., Willemse, M., Mutton, T., Burn, K., & de Bruïne, E. (2018). Teacher Education and Family-School Partnerships in different contexts: A cross country analysis of national teacher education frameworks across a range of European countries. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(3), 258-277.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Thompson, I. (2018). Preparation for family-school partnerships within initial teacher education programmes in England. Journal of Education for Teaching, 44(3), 278-295.

  • Burn, K., & Childs, A. (2016). Responding to poverty through education and teacher education initiatives: a critical evaluation of key trends in government policy in England 1997-2015. Journal of Education for Teaching, 42(4), 387-403.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., Thompson, I., Ingram, J., McNicholl, J., & Firth, R. (2016). The impact of adopting a research orientation towards use of the Pupil Premium Grant in preparing beginning teachers in England to understand and work effectively with young people living in poverty. Journal of Education for Teaching, 42(4), 434-450.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Menter, I. (2016). Deconstructing the Carter Review: competing conceptions of quality in England’s ‘school-led’ system of initial teacher education. Journal of Education Policy, 32(1), 14-33.

  • Harris, R., & Burn, K. (2016). English history teachers’ views on what substantive content young people should be taught. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 48(4), 518-546.

  • Burn, K., & Mutton, T. (2015). A review of ‘research-informed clinical practice’ in Initial Teacher Education. Oxford Review of Education, 41(2), 217-233.

  • Burn, K., & Mutton, T. (2015). A review of ‘research-informed clinical practice’ in Initial Teacher Education. Oxford Review of Education, 41(2), 217-233.

  • McNicholl, J., Childs, A., & Burn, K. (2013). School subject departments as sites for science teachers learning pedagogical content knowledge. Teacher Development, 17(2), 155-175.

  • McNicholl, J., Childs, A., & Burn, K. (2013). School subject departments as sites for science teachers learning pedagogical content knowledge. Teacher Development, 17(2), 155-175.

  • Childs, A., Burn, K., & McNicholl, J. (2013). What influences the learning cultures of subject departments in secondary schools? A study of four subject departments in England. Teacher Development, 17(1), 35-54.

  • Childs, A., Burn, K., & McNicholl, J. (2013). What influences the learning cultures of subject departments in secondary schools? A study of four subject departments in England. Teacher Development, 17(1), 35-54.

  • Harris, R., Downey, C., & Burn, K. (2012). History education in comprehensive schools: using school-level data to interpret national patterns. Oxford Review of Education, 38(4), 413-436.

  • Hagger, H., Mutton, T., & Burn, K. (2011). Surprising but not shocking: The reality of the first year of teaching. Cambridge Journal of Education, 41(4), 387-405.

  • Mutton, T., Hagger, H., & Burn, K. (2011). Learning to plan, planning to learn: the developing expertise of beginning teachers. Teachers and Teaching, 17(4), 399-416.

  • McCormick, B., & Burn, K. (2011). Reviewing the National Curriculum 5–19 two decades on. The Curriculum Journal, 22(2), 109-115.

  • Harris, R., & Burn, K. (2011). Curriculum theory, curriculum policy and the problem of ill‐disciplined thinking. Journal of Education Policy, 26(2), 245-261.

  • Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Hagger, H. (2010). Strengthening and sustaining professional learning in the second year of teaching. Oxford Review of Education, 36(6), 639-659.

  • Mutton, T., Burn, K., & Hagger, H. (2010). Making sense of learning to teach: learners in context. Research Papers in Education, 25(1), 73-91.

  • Malmberg, L.-E., Hagger, H., Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Colls, H. (2010). Observed Classroom Quality During Teacher Education and Two Years of Professional Practice. Journal of Educational Psychology, 102(4), 916-932.

  • Hagger, H., Burn, K., Mutton, T., & Brindley, S. (2008). Practice makes perfect? Learning to learn as a teacher. Oxford Review of Education, 34(2), 159-178.

  • Burn, K., Childs, A., & McNicholl, J. (2007). The potential and challenges for student teachers’ learning of subject‐specific pedagogical knowledge within secondary school subject departments. The Curriculum Journal, 18(4), 429-445.

  • Burn, K. (2007). Professional knowledge and identity in a contested discipline: challenges for student teachers and teacher educators. Oxford Review of Education, 33(4), 445-467.

  • Burn, K., & Edwards, A. (2007). Learning in and across the professions. OXFORD REVIEW OF EDUCATION, 33(4), 397-401.

  • Burn, K. (2006). Promoting critical conversations: the distinctive contribution of higher education as a partner in the professional preparation of new teachers. Journal of Education for Teaching International Research and Pedagogy, 32(3), 243-258.

  • Burn, K., Hagger, H., Mutton, T., & Everton, T. (2003). The complex development of student-teachers’ thinking. Teachers and Teaching, 9(4), 309-331.

  • Smith, J., Harris, R., & Burn, K. (n.d.). History teachers as curriculum-makers in policy and practice: quantitative insights from England and Scotland. Journal of Education Policy, ahead-of-print(ahead-of-print), 1-25.

  • Funded Research Projects

    • Tricky Topics: ESRC Impact Accelerator
    • Research Use in Schools
    • Recruitment and Retention of Teachers in Oxfordshire