Sims D & Naudi T (2024) How to… do decolonial research. The Clinical Teacher,
Sims D (2024) Introducing the research design of phenomenography. Medical Science Educator,
Sims, D.A., Lucio-Ramirez, C.A. & Cilliers, F.J. (2024) Factors influencing clinician-educators’ assessment practice in varied Southern contexts: a health behaviour theory perspective. Advances in Health Science Education,
Noorbhai H, Sims D, Hartman N (2024) “Multi-disciplinary staff perspectives and consensus on e-Learning and m-Health for Health Sciences curricula,” Higher Education Research and Development;
Sims D (2024) “Online education and learning management system usage in a South African Economic and Management Sciences faculty during COVID-19,” E-Learning and Digital Media;
Sims D, Lundie S, Titus-Dawson S, Govender R (2023) “Shifting Assessment Paradigms in South African Higher Education: Evolving towards transformative approaches to policy development” Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in the South;
Sims D (2023) When I say… global South and global North. Medical Education,, Link.
Sims D (2023) How to… write an abstract. The Clinical Teacher, 10.1111/tct.13631, Link.
Yu D, Swanepoel C, Sims D, Anciano F (2023) Do assessment loads affect student academic success? An investigation at an Economics Department at the undergraduate level. South African Journal of Higher Education, DOI: 10.20853/37-5-5397. Link.
Noorbhai H, Sims D, Hartman N (2023) South African health sciences students’ perspectives on utilisation, constraints and future possibilities of mHealth and e-Learning. Discover Education, DOI: 10.1007/s44217-023-00045-y. Link.
Sims D (2023) Reimaging reflexivity through a critical theoretical framework: Autoethnographic narratives on becoming a (de)colonised researcher. Critical Studies in Teaching and Learning. DOI: 10.14426/cristal.v11i1.642. Link.
Sims D, Cilliers F (2023) Qualitatively speaking: Deciding how much data and analysis is enough. African Journal of Health Professions Education, Link.
Sims D, Cilliers F (2023) Clinician educators’ conceptions of assessment in medical education. Advances in Health Sciences Education, org/10.1007/s10459-022-10197-5. Link.
Willmer T, Damerell V, Smyly S, Sims D, du Toit M, Peres J, Ncube S, Lennard K, Mulder N, Govender D, Sturrock E, Blackburn J, Prince S (2021) Targeting the oncogenic TBX3:nucleolin complex with the AS1411 aptamer reduces proliferation and migration of multiple sarcoma subtypes. American Journal of Cancer Research; 11(11), 5680-5700. Link.
Hatem A, Hossan H, Sims D (2021) Medical education in the United Arab Emirates: challenges and opportunities. Medical Teacher. org/10.1080/0142159X.2021.1908978. Link.
Sims D, Maranyane, H, Damerell V, Govender D, Isaacs A, Peres J, Prince S (2020) The c-Myc/ AKT/TBX3 Axis is important to target in the treatment of Embryonal Rhabdomyosarcoma. Cancers. doi: 10.3390/cancers12020501. Link.
Willmer T, Cooper A, Sims D, Govender D, Prince S (2016) The T-box transcription factor 3 is a promising biomarker and a key regulator of the oncogenic phenotype of a diverse range of sarcoma subtypes. Oncogenesis (Nature Publishing Group) 5, e199; doi:10.1038/oncsis.2016.11. Link.