Hau Ming Tse

Honorary Norham Fellow

About me

Hau Ming Tse is an Honorary Norham Fellow and an external adviser for the Group of National Experts on Effective Learning Environments, OECD and Department of Education, UK.

A qualified architect, Hau Ming was educated at Bath, Cambridge, and the Architectural Association, London. After graduating, she worked for nine years at David Chipperfield Architects, where she was an Associate Director. Selected projects include the Hepworth Gallery, Wakefield; the headquarters of BBC Scotland, Glasgow; and the San Michele Cemetery, Venice.

Contemporary architecture’s radical approach and multidisciplinary agenda continue to influence Hau Ming’s work. Her research aims to gather empirical evidence on the impact of design on student’s engagement, well being & attainment. Her work also explores the relationship between space, perception and the environment, focusing on productive points of interaction and innovation between theory and practice in learning environments. Current field research include Design matters? The effects of new schools on students’, teachers’ and parents’ actions and perceptions. funded by the AHRC (2012-2016). This project examines the complex relationship between design and pedagogic practice in some of the most challenging primary and secondary schools in the UK.


Tse, H.M., Daniels H., Stables, A. and Cox, S. (2018). Future of Schooling: Contemporary Visions for Education: Routledge.

Daniels H., Stables, A., Tse, H.M and Cox, S. (2018). School Design Matters: The Effects of New Schools on Students’, Teachers’ and Parents’ Actions and Perceptions: Routledge.

Stables, A., S. Learoyd-Smith, H. Daniels,  H.M. Tse (2014). Schools and Schooling as Semiotic Engagement: A Focus on Design. In I. Semetsky and A. Stables (eds.), Pedagogy and Edusemiotics: Theoretical Challenges/Practical Opportunities. Rotterdam, Boston, Taipei: Sense Publishers.

Book chapters

Daniels H. and Tse, H.M (2018). Designing Practice in I. Grosvenor and L. Rosén Rasmussen (Ed) In Making Education- Governance by Design: Routledge.

Daniels H. and Tse, H.M (2017). School Design: A Tool for Learning in “Dall’Aula all’ Ambiente di Apprendimento” From the Classroom to the Learning Environment : National Institute for Documentation, Innovation and Educational Research, Ministry of Education, Italy.

Daniels H., Tse, H.M., Tanzi Neto A., Stables, A., Ortega, L., and Cox, S. (2015). Learning from Pupils and Teachers – Design and Practice: How new school buildings influence teachers’ and pupils’ experience of schooling in P. Clegg (Ed) Learning from Schools London: Artifice

Journal articles

Daniels, H., Tse, H.M., Stables, A. and Cox, S. (2018). Design as a Social Practice: The Experience of New Build Schools, Cambridge Journal of Education.

Daniels H., Tse, H.M., Stables, A. and Cox, S. Cox (2017) Design as a social practice: the design of new build schools, Oxford Review of Education, 43:6, 767-787

Daniels, H., Tse H.M., Ortega, L., Stables, A. and Cox, S. (at review) Changing Schools: A study of primary secondary transfer using Vygotsky and Bernstein, British Journal of Sociology of Education

Daniels, DH, Tse, HM, Stables, A, Cox, S (2017) “Design as a Social Practice: the Experience of New Build Schools”, Cadernos de Educação. (56)
DOI: http://doi.org/10.15210/caduc.v0i56.11780

Tse, H.M., S. Learoyd-Smith, A. Stables , H. Daniels (2015).  Continuity and Conflict in School Design: A Case Study from Building Schools for the Future. Special issue: ‘Designing Intelligent School Buildings: What do We Know’. Intelligent Buildings International 7(2-3): 64-82.


Tse, H.M., Daniels, H., Porter, J., Thompson, I. and Cox, S. (2018) Designing for practice: Pedagogic implications of creating new schools : School building guidance for head teachers, school building commissioners, teachers and the wider school community, Oxford University Department of Education.



Funded Research Projects

Student collaborative networks: exploring social and spatial dynamics in learning environments
Small Grant Award, Department of Education, University of Oxford
Building on Design Matters: The codesign of guidance on building schools
University of Oxford’s Social Sciences ESRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)
2017 - 2018
Design Matters? The Effects of New Schools on Students’, Teachers’ and Parents’ Actions and Perceptions
Arts and Humanities Research Council
2012 - 2017