Developing reliable and valid tools for teacher selection
The Project
The ReNEW research team was among the first in the world to develop reliable and predictive situational judgment tests (SJTs) to identify high-quality candidates for teaching.
SJTs are a scenario-based measurement method where individuals are presented with a range of workplace scenarios, and asked to evaluate the effectiveness of a list of possible courses of action. The judgment tasks in an SJT are designed to tap procedural awareness and are based on the notion that situation-specific judgments and responses reflect implicit personality traits that have a causal effect on job performance.
Research Question: How can we identify the most effective prospective teachers?
Research Team
External Team
Teacher Success Platform
Teach First
Teach for Australia
Morocco Ministry of Education
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Project Details
Funder: ERC Consolidator Grant (2015-2021), World Bank
Theme: Pedagogy, Learning and Knowledge; Teacher Education and Professional Learning
Research Team
External Team
Teacher Success Platform
Teach First
Teach for Australia
Morocco Ministry of Education
More Projects
More News
NewsDepartment’s Teacher Education and Professional Learning Group wins BERA Award for Research on ‘The Reform of Initial Teacher Education in Wales’February 17, 2022
NewsCOVID-19: Department publishes home-schooling resource for parents and teachersMarch 30, 2020
NewsSteven Puttick Co-Edits Book Examining Robert Grosseteste’s Ideas on EducationFebruary 13, 2020