The Project
In Trinity term 2019, the department ran a seminar series on ‘Future directions in teacher education research, practice and policy’.
Convened by the department’s Diane Mayer and Alis Oancea, the series considered teacher education reforms around the world in order to tease out future directions and possibilities for the relationships between teacher education policy, research and practice. The series marked 100 years since the passing of a statute creating what was known in 1919 as the University Department for the Training of Teachers by paying tribute to the expertise in and advances to the field of teacher education both within and outside of the department today.
Listen in full:
Building Research Capacity in Teacher Education
SPEAKER: Alis Oancea (Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy and Director of Research at the Department of Education)
17 Jun 2019
What are Teachers’ Professional Competencies?
SPEAKER: Auli Toom (Professor of Higher Education and Director of the Centre for University Teaching and Learning at University of Helsinki, Finland)
10 Jun 2019
The Connections and Disconnections in Teacher Education Policy, Research and Practice Future Research Directions
SPEAKER: Diane Mayer (Professor of Education (Teacher Education) at the University of Oxford and Professorial Fellow at Harris Manchester College)
03 Jun 2019
Comparative teacher education research: Global perspectives in teacher education past, present and future
SPEAKER: Maria Teresa Tatto (Southwest Borderlands Professor of Comparative Education at the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, and Professor in the Division of Educational Leadership and Innovation at Arizona State University)
20 May 2019
Making Change Happen – The Reform of Initial Teacher Education in Wales
SPEAKER: John Furlong OBE (Emeritus Professor of Education at the University of Oxford’s Department of Education)
13 May 2019
OES Annual Lecture: The Quest for Better Teaching
SPEAKER: Jenny Gore (Visiting Professor at the department and Laureate Professor of Education and Director of the Teachers and Teaching Research Centre, University of Newcastle, Australia)
10 May 2019
Classroom-based Interventions Across Subject Areas: Research to Understand What Works in Education
SPEAKERS: Gabriel Stylianides (Professor of Mathematics Education at the Department of Education), Ian Thompson (Associate Professor of English Education & Director of PGCE at the Department of Education), Katharine Burn (Associate Professor of Education at the Department of Education), Jenni Ingram (Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the Department of Education), Nicholas Andrews (Course Coordinator for the MSc in Teacher Education (Mathematics) at the Department of Education), Alexandra Haydon (Head of Science at the Castle School, Thornbury), Ann Childs (Associate Professor of Science Education at the Department of Education), Trevor Mutton (Director of Professional Programmes & Director of the Oxford Education Deanery)
29 April 2019