Student Access to University Podcasts

The Project

In Hilary term 2019, the department ran a five-part seminar series on ‘Student Access to University’.

Convened by the department’s Jo-Anne Baird and Simon Marginson, the series formed part of the department’s flagship 100th anniversary events programme and started from the premise that lasting advances in social access can be secured only through defensible changes to policy, process and mechanisms that are grounded in research evidence. The series reflected on the scope for development and reform at Oxford and in the country as a whole.


Listen to the podcasts in full:

Student Access to Colleges at the University of Oxford

SPEAKERS: Sir Ivor Crewe (Master, University College, University of Oxford), Helen King (Principal, St Anne’s College, University of Oxford), Alan Rusbridger (Principal, Lady Margaret Hall, University of Oxford), Maggie Snowling (President, St John’s College, University of Oxford), Simon Smith (Senior Tutor, Brasenose College, University of Oxford), Mark Wormald (Senior Tutor, Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford), Lucas Bertholdi-Saad (Vice President (Access & Academic Affairs), Oxford University SU)
04 Mar 2019

Promoting fairer access to higher education: the necessity of contextualised admissions

SPEAKERS: Vikki Boliver (Professor of Sociology, Durham University), Andrew Bell (University College, University of Oxford), Peter Thonemann (Tutor for Access, Wadham College, University of Oxford), Neil Harrison (Deputy Director of the Rees Centre for Fostering and Education, Department of Education, University of Oxford)
25 Feb 2019

Access and Participation at Postgraduate level: research findings and their implications for policy and practice

SPEAKERS: Paul Wakeling (Professor and Head of Department, Department of Education, University of York), Mike Bonsall (Associate Head of Division (Education), Mathematical Physical and Life Sciences Division, University of Oxford), Nick Brown (Principal of Linacre College), Paul Martin (Associate Head of Division (Education), Social Science Division, University of Oxford)
11 Feb 2019

Access and Participation in English HE: A Fair and Equal Opportunity for All?

SPEAKERS: Simon Marginson (Professor of Education, Department of Education, University of Oxford), Chris Millward (Director of fair Access and Participation, Office for Students), Martin Williams (Pro-Vice Chancellor (Education), University of Oxford)
4 Feb 2019

Admissions Testing Preparation Effects

SPEAKERS: Jo-Anne Baird (Director of the Department of Education), Karen O’Brien (Head of the Humanities Division, University of Oxford), Samina Khan (Director of Undergraduate Admissions and Outreach, University of Oxford), Rebecca Surender (Pro Vice-Chancellor – Equality and Diversity, University of Oxford)
14 Jan 2019

READ: Seminar Series shows tremendous interest in fair access at Oxford 
READ: Oxford needs to look at its admissions process to move on access

Project Details

Start date: 2019
End date: 2019