Teaching awards 2013-14
The Department of Education was very well represented at the University of Oxford Teaching Awards 2013-2014!
Here are our award winners:
Cathy Scutt & Sophia Staves, Bodleian Education Library are recognised for using innovative IT support in library inductions to students via Mobile Library Assistant. Cathy and Sophia also received an OxTALENT award for this project.
Lars-Erik Malmberg is recognised for a project entitled Models for intrapersonal analyses of diary and intensive longitudinal data. With the rise of user-friendly and affordable electronic tools for collecting intensive longitudinal data, and with the implementation of advanced models for intrapersonal analysis in software, the aim of the project is to enhance capacity to plan, design and carry out a future teaching module in the Doctoral Training Centre. Using the workshop as a pilot, the intention is to propose an advanced course on ‘models for intrapersonal analyses’ for the DTC for forthcoming years.
Nigel Fancourt (along with his colleague, Martin Ruhs, Department of Continuing Education) is recognised for work on mixed methods in the social sciences. The course will introduce and critically discuss mixed methods approaches in theory and practice. While including a strong theoretical and conceptual component, the course aims to be very practical by critically discussing a series of examples of mixed-methods research in action at different departments in Oxford. Throughout the course, students will be encouraged to explain, share and discuss the methodological challenges of their own research.
Susan James and Jennifer Allen for their project entitled Becoming a researcher: a personal and professional skills-development course for MSc students. The project is a pilot version of a one-term personal and professional skills-development course for MSc students within the Department of Education (with a view to potentially expanding provision across the Social Sciences Division through online and/or in-person delivery if the pilot is successful).
Daniel Caro for development of his workshop on Bayesian statistics and analysis of international large-scale assessment data in the R environment . The project consists of a four-day workshop on the analysis of international large-scale assessment (LSA) data under the Bayesian framework in the R open-source statistical environment. The workshop is conceived as a pilot for a teaching module on ‘Advanced research methods for the analysis of international assessment data’ in the Doctoral Training Centre. Through applied examples with PISA, TIMSS and PIRLS data, the workshop will demonstrate the Bayesian perspective and how it provides a powerful alternative to the frequentist perspective.
Rebecca Eynon has achieved the OUSU Award for Most Acclaimed Lecturer in the Social Sciences.
Congratulations to everyone! We are very proud of you.
A complete list of all recipients can be downloaded at http://www.ox.ac.uk/gazette/teachingawards/