The Promising Practices Project Report Launch
Professor Therese N. Hopfenbeck (Principal Investigator), Dr Tracey Denton-Calabrese (Project Manager, Research Officer), Dr Samantha-Kaye Johnston (Research Officer), Dr Juliet Scott-Barrett (Research Officer) and Associate Professor Joshua A. McGrane (Principal Investigator) from the Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment conducted an international study across 9 countries and 19 classrooms exploring how teachers facilitate curiosity and creativity in their classrooms.
The research was funded by the Jacobs Foundation and conducted in partnership with the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and the International Baccalaureate (IB). The team developed a novel and flexible approach to collaborating with teachers online, using teacher-captured video recordings to understand how they facilitate curiosity and creativity. In addition to the teacher videos, researchers collected data from student creativity and curiosity tasks, and teacher and student interviews. Further details of the research can be found in the project report here. Project videos and infographics for teachers will be uploaded onto the project website over the coming weeks.