Elena Tsvetkova is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Education conducting research in the field of higher education under the supervision of Professor Alis Oancea and Professor Simon Marginson. Before starting her DPhil at Oxford, she received a Specialist degree in Linguistics and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages and Cultures (Hons) from Moscow State Linguistic University and an MA in Educational Leadership (Distinction) from the University of Manchester.

Elena’s research interests lie in the realm of comparative higher education and higher education policy and practice, in particular university governance and excellence initiatives, internationalisation and research enhancement, academic staff capacity building and postgraduate education.



Tsvetkova, E. (2024). Operationalising University Excellence in Doctoral Education: The Case of Top-Ranked Russian Universities. Higher Education Policy, 1-32.

Tsvetkova, E., & Lomer, S. (2019). Academic excellence as “competitiveness enhancement” in Russian higher education. International Journal of Comparative Education and Development.