Mark has worked in ELT and EMI for over 35 years as a teacher, teacher trainer, lecturer, course writer, syllabus designer, examiner, Director of Studies, and consultant editor for OUP. For the British Council he has worked as a consultant trainer and course developer in EMI and EAP. For the University of Oxford Department of Education Mark delivered the ELT option on the MSc ALSLA and is Teaching Associate of the EMI Research Group in which capacity he has worked as a CI and has developed and delivered EMI teacher training courses in China, Serbia and Oxford. Mark has worked in universities in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Czechia, Italy, Germany, Mexico, Peru, Chile, Brazil, Colombia and Morocco.
He continues to be involved in EMI and is currently co-authoring an EMI student guide.
Mark is an alumnus of the University of Oxford Department of Education and was among the first to be awarded the innovative MSc in Teaching English Language in University Settings.