Velda Elliott is Associate Professor of English and Literacy Education. She is a curriculum tutor for the English PGCE and MSc in Learning and Teaching.

She is also Director of Doctoral Research, in which role she leads doctoral training in the department. She is co-convenor of the Qualitative Methods Hub.

Velda was an English teacher in state schools in Yorkshire before undertaking doctoral research in OUCEA, gaining her doctorate in 2011. She has previously led the PGCE in English with Drama at the University of Warwick and been a Lecturer in English in Education at the University of York.

Velda researches in the fields of English in Education and Educational Assessment. Within the field of English, her work considers both what it means to be ‘good’ at English and what English, media and drama education are ‘good for’. Some of her work considers the ways in which English education relates to political priorities and desires. She is particularly interested in what knowledge looks like in the subject of English.

She contributes regularly to professional publications such as NATE’s Teaching English magazine. Velda also researches at the intersection of English literature and education, looking in particular at Shakespeare and ways in which his work is refigured in educational contexts. She works on the ways in which literary criticism is available to and used by teachers and students in secondary schools; she created the Twitter hashtag #LitCritForTeachers and regularly blogs about research articles on A level texts, making critical material available to schools who do not have access to academic journals. In assessment Velda is particularly interested in the way in which markers, especially examiners, make decisions, and the values and identities they espouse in doing so. She led the EEF review of the literature on written marking A Marked Improvement?

Velda was awarded the National Association for the Teaching of English Research Award in 2017 for her contribution to the field of English in Education.


  • Puttick, S., Elliott, V., & Ingram, J. (2024). Knowledge: Keywords in Teacher Education (pp. 1-150).

  • Elliott, V. (2022). Foundations of Educational Research. Bloomsbury Publishing.

  • Elliott, V. (2020). Knowledge in English Canon, Curriculum and Cultural Literacy. National Association for the Teaching of English NATE.

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse.

  • Book chapters
  • Elliott, V., & Davies, L. (2022). CURRICULUM: Practical theorising in the absence of theory. In Practical Theorising in Teacher Education: Holding Theory and Practice Together (pp. 230-244).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Data Collection. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 175-188).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Ethics. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 159-174).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Transcription Decisions. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 189-202).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Written Texts. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 139-154).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Conversation Analysis and Discursive Psychology. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 11-26).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction to Part One. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 8-9).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Conclusion. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 203-204).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Sociolinguistics. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 57-72).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction to Part Three. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 156-157).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Researching Multilingual Classrooms. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 109-122).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Researching Identity through Classroom Discourse. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 93-107).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction to Part Two. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 90-91).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Critical Discourse Analysis. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 43-55).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Positioning Theory and Figured Worlds. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 27-42).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Knowledge and Knowing. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 123-138).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Corpus Linguistics and Other Quantitative Approaches. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 73-88).

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2020). Research Methods for Classroom Discourse Introduction. In RESEARCH METHODS FOR CLASSROOM DISCOURSE (pp. 1-5).

  • NELSON-ADDY, L., DINGWALL, N., ELLIOTT, V., & THOMPSON, I. (2018). Back to the Future: the restoration of canon and the backlash against multiculturalism in secondary English curricula. In The Future of English Teaching Worldwide Celebrating 50 Years from the Dartmouth Conference. Routledge.

  • Elliott, V., & Ingram, J. (2016). Using silence in classroom discussion. In M. Giovanelli & D. Clayton (Eds.), Knowing about Language: Linguistics and the Secondary English Classroom. Routledge.

  • Elliott, V., & Ingram, J. (2016). Using silence: Discourse analysis and teachers’ knowledge about classroom discussion. In Knowing About Language: Linguistics and the secondary English classroom (pp. 151-161).

  • Journal articles
  • Elliott, V., & Olive, S. (2023). Secondary Shakespeare in the UK: pedagogies and practice. Changing English, 30(4), 402-413.

  • Elliott, V., & Courtney, M. (2023). Teaching poems by authors of colour at Key Stage 3: categorising what is taught. English in Education, 57(2), 91-101.

  • Elliott, V. (2023). Poetry is. ENGLISH IN EDUCATION, 57(2), 148-148.

  • Elliott, V. (2023). Social justice and the social imagination in English education. ENGLISH IN EDUCATION, 57(3), 151-153.

  • Elliott, V., Jackson, J., Santen, S., Richardson, J., Heckman, K., & Hammoud, M. (2021). Triple Challenge: How Medical Students May Solve 3 Long-Standing Problems Bedeviling Health Systems and Medical Education. Academic Medicine : Journal of the Association of American Medical Colleges, 96(12), 1643-1649.

  • Elliott, V., & Hodgson, J. (2021). Setting an agenda for English education research. English in Education, 55(4), 369-374.

  • Elliott, V., & Olive, S. (2019). Secondary Shakespeare in the UK: what gets taught and why?. English in Education, 55(2), 102-115.

  • Elliott, V. (2019). Detecting the Dane: re-creating Shakespearian genre in A level literature. English, 68(262), 283-304.

  • Elliott, V. (2019). Engaging curriculum: bridging the curriculum theory and English Education divide. ENGLISH IN EDUCATION, 53(3), 266-267.

  • Elliott, V. (2018). Thinking about the coding process in qualitative data analysis. Qualitative Report, 23(11), 2850-2861.

  • Baird, J.-A., & Elliott, V. (2018). Metrics in education—control and corruption. Oxford Review of Education, 44(5), 533-544.

  • Ingram, J., Elliott, V., Morin, C., Randhawa, A., & Brown, C. (2018). Playing the system: incentives to ‘game’ and educational ethics in school examination entry policies in England. Oxford Review of Education, 44(5), 545-562.

  • Elliott, V. (2018). International perspectives on the teaching of literature in schools: global principles and practices. ENGLISH IN EDUCATION, 52(3), 266-270.

  • Elliott, V. (2017). Gender and the contemporary educational canon in the UK. International Journal of English Studies, 17(2), 45-62.

  • Elliott, V., & Dingwall, N. (2017). Roles as a route to being ’Other’: drama-based interventions with at risk students. Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties, 22(1), 66-78.

  • Elliott, V. (2017). What does a good one look like? Marking A level English scripts in relation to others. English in Education, 51(1), 58-75.

  • Elliott, V. (2016). "Study what you most affect": beginning teachers’ preparedness to teach Shakespeare. CEA Critic, 78(2), 199-212.

  • Elliott, V., & Hore, B. (2016). ‘Right nutrition, right values’: the construction of food, youth and morality in the UK government 2010-2014. Cambridge Journal of Education, 46(2), 177-193.

  • Ikeno, N., Fukazawa, H., Watanabe, J., Elliott, V., Shawyer, C., Olive, S., Olive, S., & Davies, I. (2015). Putting the case for building a bridge between drama and citizenship education. Citizenship Teaching and Learning, 10(3), 237-250.

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2015). A critical analysis of the role of wait time in classroom interactions and the effects on student and teacher interactional behaviours. Cambridge Journal of Education, 46(1), 37-53.

  • Elliott, V. (2014). MARC: A thought experiment in the morality of automated marking of English. Changing English, 21(4), 393-401.

  • Elliott, V. (2014). The treasure house of a nation? Literary heritage, curriculum and devolution in Scotland and England in the twenty‐first century. The Curriculum Journal, 25(2), 282-300.

  • Ingram, J., & Elliott, V. (2014). Turn taking and ’wait time’ in classroom interactions. JOURNAL OF PRAGMATICS, 62, 1-12.

  • Elliott, V. (2013). Empathetic projections and affect reactions in examiners of ‘A’ level English and History. Assessment in Education Principles Policy and Practice, 20(3), 266-280.

  • Reports
  • ELLIOTT, V., NELSON-ADDY, L., Chantiluke, R., & Courtney, M. (2021). Lit in Colour Diversity in Literature in English Schools. Penguin & Runnymede Trust.

  • Elliott, V., Randhawa, A., Ingram, J., Nelson-Addy, L., Griffin, C., & Baird, J.-A. (2020). Feedback in action: A review of practice in English schools. Educational Endowment Foundation.

  • BAIRD, J.-A., Caro, D., ELLIOTT, V., EL MASRI, Y., INGRAM, J., RANDHAWA, A., Isaacs, T., Stobart, G., Meadows, M., Morin, C., Pinot de Moira, A., & Taylor, R. (2019). Examination reform: Impact of linear and modular examinations at GCSE.

  • Elliott, V., BAIRD, J., Hopfenbeck, T., Ingram, J., Thompson, I., Usher, N., Zantout, M., Richardson, J., & Coleman, R. (2016). A marked improvement? A review of the evidence on written marking. Education Endowment Foundation.

  • Baird, J.-A., Ahmed, A., Hopfenbeck, T., Brown, C., & Elliott, V. (2013). Research evidence relating to proposals for reform of the GCSE. Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment.

  • Other
  • Baird, J.-A., Elliott, V., & Strand, S. (2024). Foreword to the fiftieth volume. In Oxford Review of Education (Vols. 50, Issue 1, pp. 1-5). Taylor & Francis.

  • Elliott, V. (2017). Dialogic Pedagogy: The Importance of Dialogue in Teaching and Learning Edited by David Skidmore and Kyoko Murakami Channel View Publications (2016) ISBN 978‐1‐78309‐621‐3 £89.95 hardback. In English in Education (Vols. 51, Issues 2, pp. 227-229). Taylor & Francis.

  • Elliott, V. (2017). Dramatic interactions in education: Vygotskian and sociocultural approaches to drama, education and research. In BRITISH JOURNAL OF EDUCATIONAL STUDIES (Vols. 65, Issues 2, pp. 261-263).

  • Thompson, I., & Elliott, V. (2017). Editorial. In Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (Vols. 22, Issue 1, pp. 1-1). Routledge.

  • Funded Research Projects

    • Classroom discourse in English Education Returning Carers’ Grant
    • linearization of GCSE examinations Ofqual
    • A Review of the Evidence on Written Marking The Educational Endowment