Lauren Hammond

Associate Professor of Geography Education | Reuben College

About me

Lauren Hammond is Associate Professor of Geography Education. She teaches on the PGCE Geography, MSc Learning and Teaching and supervises DPhil in Education students.

Lauren began her career as a teacher of geography and head of department in schools, working primarily in London and Singapore. Prior to joining the University of Oxford, Lauren was Lecturer in Geography Education at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society (2014-2022) and Lecturer in Teacher Education at Moray House School of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh (2022-2024). Lauren is recognised as Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) for her work in connecting research and teaching across the disciplines of geography and education, and her work in mentoring and partnership in teacher education. She is Honorary Lecturer at IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society and Associate Fellow of the Centre for Teachers and Teaching Research (CTTR).

At IOE, Lauren worked in teacher education (including leading the PGCE Secondary Geography) and supervised students at Masters and Doctoral level. She established and convened an undergraduate module in UCL’s Geography department ‘Geography Education’, which critically examined the complex relationships between geography, education and young people’s lives. Lauren undertook a Partnership Co-ordinator role, leading on mentoring across ITE and convening an ITE wide mentor development group. She also co-chaired IOE’s Early Career Network, which was a cross-departmental role working with a range of colleagues to explore how best to empower colleagues in the first stages of their academic careers and co-create more just academic spaces.

At Moray House School of Education and Sport, Lauren taught on the Primary PGDE, MA Primary Education with Gaelic and MSc Transformative Learning and Teaching, as well as supervising students on the MEd Leadership and Learning programme. Collaborating with a range of colleagues, Lauren played roles in establishing a Geography (Teacher) Education Network in Scotland and the ScotGEESE (Scottish Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences Educators) group. Lauren retains a research interest in Scottish education. Particularly in Geography and Social Studies Education, and the relationships between education, rights and citizenship in Scotland.

Lauren’s research is interdisciplinary and examines the relationships between children, geography and education. She is particularly interested in children’s geographies and children’s citizenship, and in considering how education can empower young people in their lives and futures. Lauren is also interested in geographies of education and education spaces and examining how in/justices are (re)produced in, and through, education, and the relationships between education, space and place.

Lauren’s scholarship mainly lies in the field of Geography Education, and she is interested in how geography is constructed, taught, experienced and imagined from early years through to postgraduate level, and in a range of spaces. She is committed to developing geography education research(ers) and serves as Secretary for the Geography Education Research Collective (GEReCo). Lauren is an active member of the Geographical Association (GA) and a member of the Geography Education Research Special Interest Group (GERSIG). She is a member of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society (RSGS), Scottish Association of Geography Teachers (SAGT) and Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society (FRGS). Lauren has served as Deputy Secretary for the RGS’s Geography and Education Research Group (GeogEd), and Membership Officer, Secretary, and Education Officer of the Geographies of Children, Youth and Families Research Group (GCYFRG).





Book chapters

Journal articles

Subjects Taught

  • PGCE Geography
  • MSc Teaching and Learning
  • DPhil in Education

Doctoral Applications

Lauren welcomes doctoral applications from students interested in the following research areas:

  • Geography education (across all phases and spaces)
  • Social Studies education
  • Children’s geographies
  • Geographies of education and education spaces
  • Children’s rights and citizenship
  • Teacher education

Funded Research Projects

Curricula constructions of citizenship: How are geography’s relationships with citizenship conceptualised in education policy in England and Scotland?
Funder: University of Oxford small grant
Children’s rights in, and to, the city: everyday life, education and empowerment in London and Glasgow.
Funder: UCL’s Early career impact fellowship
Evaluating mentoring in teacher education
Funder: IOE seed funding