FoSTER Project: Frameworks of School-support for Teachers’ Engagement with/in Research
This research project seeks to understand the breath and scope of the ways that schools support teachers to engage with and in research in the UK and Ireland.
Click here to complete the survey.
This study would, in the initial instance, aim to:
- Conduct a large-scale survey of teachers who are engaged with/in research across the UK and Ireland, to establish a range of existing practices.
- Seek out a range of schools (~10 spanning Ireland and the UK) who are, in various ways, successfully supporting teachers’ engagement with and in research.
- Generate detailed case studies of successful models in use, to understand their operation and inform others about their implementation.
- Begin to theorise, by means of categorisation of varying models/practices, a framework for school support of teachers’ engagement with and in research.
- Provide the initial scoping for a more comprehensive research project on good practices.
The project is being conducted in collaboration with Dr Gavin Murphy of the School of Education, Trinity College Dublin and funded by a small grant from the Department of Education.
External Co-Investigators
Dr Gavin Murphy, Trinity College Dublin