Rees Centre annnounces new projects
Care leavers’ transition into the labour market in England
This new study, led by the Rees Centre with the University of York and funded by the Nuffield Foundation, will be the first large scale, national statistical research to be undertaken in England looking at the relationship between care leavers being in education, employment, training or being NEET at age 21, and their earlier experiences of care and education. In addition, the perspectives of care leavers, young people and key adults in their lives on what influences the transition from education to employment will be explored through interviews and focus groups.
This research will be used to identify ways to better support care-experienced young people into employment and mitigate the risks of their becoming NEET. More on this project
Development of Investment Care for Sustainable Community-Based Foster Care in Jordan
Lisa Holmes is leading a new UNICEF funded project, in partnership with colleagues at the German Jordanian University, Amman to develop an investment case for foster care in Jordan. The project utilises the conceptual framework for the Cost Calculator for Children’s Services and includes a time use study to explore the necessary support for foster carers and children in placements.
Outcomes for care experienced students in Higher Education
Neil Harrison is leading the quantitative data analysis for this new project, led by Sheffield Hallam University and funded by Unite Foundation. The project aims to find out which care experienced young people go to Higher Education, who persists and where they go after they graduate. More on this project
Separated child migrants and care
Ellie Ott is a co-investigator on this new ESRC funded project led by the Open University. Researchers will investigate how separated child migrants and those involved in their care, make sense of, value and take part in care relationships and caring practices. More on this project