Julie Selwyn Appointed Professor of Education and Adoption
The department is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Julie Selwyn, CBE as Professor of Education and Adoption, joining the Rees Centre on 2 April 2019 to lead the Hadley Research Programme.
Julie joins us from the University of Bristol and brings with her a wealth of experience and expertise of research in children’s social care, with a particular focus on adoption and children’s subjective wellbeing. Her current projects include: ‘An Evaluation of the Regionalisation of Adoption Agencies’ in partnership with Ecorys, ‘Bright Spots: understanding the subjective well-being of looked after children and care leavers’ in partnership with Coram Voice, and ‘Improving the matching of children with adoptive parents’ with Adoption Central England. Julie is also a member of the National Adoption and Special Guardianship Leadership Board.