- Webinar Lunchtime Series: Two children and maths - Improving attainment for children in care
- Webinar Lunchtime Series: Bridging the gap between objectivity and subjectivity - Reflexivity in quantitative research
- Webinar Lunchtime Series: WeAreHere! Strengths and weaknesses of working with advisory groups of children in research
- Webinar Lunchtime Series: Foster carer retention and recruitment
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- Professor Gabriel Stylianides elected to the Academy of Social Sciences’ prestigious Fellowship
- Liz Wonnacott and Trevor Mutton become full Professors
- Professor Jo-Anne Baird appointed to panel on national curriculum and assessment
- Portrait of Professor Kathy Sylva unveiled
- International conference on diversity within classrooms and societies a success
- Department of Education Emeritus Professor Receives Prestigious Excellence Award
- Podcast released exploring all things assessment in time for A-level results day
- Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment and Pearson to conduct Progress in International Reading Literacy Study 2026
- Department Professor Awarded Distinguished Research Fellowship by the International Excellence in the Humanities Programme Scientific Committee
- Department Associate Professor Elected as Vice-President for Learning and Skills for the Institute of Physics
- DPhil student’s viva success
- Mental Health and Diversity Research Study Findings Released
- Rees Centre research officer delivers keynote at Oxfordshire Virtual School Conference
- New centre underpins ambitious plans to boost the learning and teaching of Chinese across the UK
- New video released exploring the LiFT project
- New participatory research from Department receives funding boost
- New training platform for teachers on race, belonging, migration and empire launches
- Simon Marginson shares his highlights at CGHE as he steps down as Director in May
- Department alumna receives purple plaque for winning Innovate UK’s Women in Innovation Award
- Rees Centre researchers explore how the use of non-mainstream schools might affect educational outcomes of children in care
- Watch: Top Tips for Education Practitioners in Assessment
- Department maintains “Outstanding” rating following OFSTED visit
- Rees DPhil student’s snapshots of British service children’s identity and experiences of mobility published
- Rees Centre researcher publishes paper on adoptees’ experiences in education
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- How does standard setting work? New explainer podcasts released
- New podcast series explores diverse world of health professions education and research
- New Strategy for Child Services in Wales Launches
- Exploring generative AI (GenAI) for Education
- Learning for Families Through Technology (LiFT) Symposium hailed a success
- The LiFT Symposium 2024 takes place this Thursday
- Inspiring Inclusion in Education: International Women’s Day
- The Centre for Global Higher Education awarded ESRC legacy centre funding for 5 years
- Rees DPhil students presented at University of Bath’s Qualitative Research Symposium
- New report: transforming early childhood by narrowing the gap between lower- and higher-income families
- Oxford Education Deanery hosts Language Teacher Conference
- Department Professor appointed to expert group on funding for educational research
- New report finds stark inequalities in post-16 education outcomes across the UK
- Call for gender-inclusive AI at UNESCO’s Global Forum on Ethics of AI
- Your input matters. Participate in our communication feedback survey!
- Attachment Aware Schools Research Conference 2024
- Exploring Local Histories: Oxfordshire Students Shine in Historical Association’s Great Debate
- Rees student named top inspirational changemaker for helping women and kids suffering trauma
- Statement regarding the Initial Teacher Training and Early Career Framework
- Join us for CGHE Conference on ‘The public good role of higher education’
- Join us in exploring our understanding of poverty and its impacts
- New trial will evaluate Talking Time programme for Early Years practitioners
- Ukrainian Higher Education in Times of War: Department marks International Day of Education with new seminar series
- Teachers invited to participate in new project on Empire, Migration and Belonging in schools
- Student’s creative data generation method published by NCRM
- A heartwarming new year’s call
- New video released for MSc in Teacher Education
- SCiP Alliance Annual Conference ‘Identity Matters’
- Volunteers needed to design a new health survey
- PISA results reveal students in the UK have higher than average levels of maths, reading and science
- Department of Education professor receives lifetime contribution award
- Reparative Futures of Education project presented at Global Forum Against Racism and Discrimination
- NELI Preschool, an oral language programme, shown to improve children’s language skills
- Department of Education researchers win prestigious award
- New documentary reveals lives of children growing up in care
- Webinar: Care Leavers’ Transitions into the Labour Market
- AI Targeting High-End Jobs: 4-Year Global Study Calls for Concerted Societal Action To Achieve Sustainable AI Transition
- Staff and students showcase research at Annual Poster Conference
- Department ranked 3rd in the world for education
- WATCH: Hans Freudenthal Award winner Terezinha Nunes
- Reparative Futures of Education Scholarship now available
- Pioneering ‘AI in Education’ initiative launches
- Annual Report 2022/23: Research, teaching and impact highlights of the year
- New video showcases our Department
- New Book: Teacher Education in Crisis
- Jenni Ingram becomes Professor of Mathematics Education
- Department of Education researchers at 2023 BERA Conference
- A-level Results Day 2023
- New project investigates economic and political motivations behind the digitalisation of education
- Education Deanery hosts teacher learning events on Early Years and English as an Additional Language
- Professor Simon Marginson elected a Fellow of the British Academy
- Overcoming behavioural and cultural barriers to information sharing in children’s social care
- Systematic review of all of the research on PIRLS
- Oxford Education Deanery holds first teacher learning event on sustainability
- Bespoke support for nursery practitioners in disadvantaged areas would boost language development
- OECD report on standardised testing in Flanders
- Independent Review of Qualifications and Assessment in Scotland published
- New research shows how studying the humanities can benefit young people’s future careers and wider society
- Want to know more about our MSc in Medical Education?
- Karen Skilling awarded Associate Professor title
- New videos released to highlight MSc in Educational Assessment
- Department academics chosen to be part of 50th anniversary edition of BERJ
- Schools Week: What can the COVID exam crisis teach us about policy making?
- England’s school children maintain stable performance in reading despite the pandemic, new report says
- The future of teachers’ professional lives in the digital age: The case of “Teacher Tapp”
- Calling all pre-school families! Get involved in the new Digital Play research hub
- Department Academics Win Teaching Excellence Awards
- Professor Arathi Sriprakash speaks at annual Equity, Diversity and Belonging (EDB) Lecture
- Kinship launches major new research on the experiences of kinship families from Black, Asian and minority ethnic communities
- Michelle Meadows discusses House of Lords Committee debate
- Michelle Meadows at the House of Lords 11-16 Education Committee
- Care leavers considerably less likely on average to be in education, employment or training, analysis shows
- Have you seen our new podcast page?
- Happy International Women’s Day!
- Denis O’Leary Scholarship now available
- Nine new scholarships announced to support educators
- Ofsted Chief Inspector set to speak this month at Department of Education
- High-profile speakers announced in latest Department of Education public seminar series
- Inaugural meeting of Jesus College Education Network
- Members of the Care Review Evidence Group reflect on the risks of reforming in haste and repenting at leisure
- Oxford academics launch project to research the impact of technology in UK schools
- FE Week profile – Michelle Meadows
- OUCEA @ AEA-E Conference 2022 in Dublin
- We’re hiring!
- Oxford’s Department of Education launches flagship public lecture series
- Rees Centre marks achievements in improved education with 10th anniversary celebrations
- REF Impact Case Studies Published
- Perceptions of Assessment Standards in Scotland
- Exams Cannot Close the Attainment Gap: OUCEA in Schools Week Opinion
- Over 7,500 children and young people in care share their views and experiences on contact arrangements with their families
- Student, Lisa Cherry, wins prestigious book award for ‘Conversations that Make a Difference for Children and Young People’
- Oxford academics collaborating with UCL on new national study of child development
- Launch of Future of Care Study
- Equity, Diversity and Belonging: Impact of history on race and identity
- Study Courses are still Open for Applications
- Professor Kathy Sylva becomes Fellow in Education at the British Academy
- A Fair Start? Limiting access to 30-hours of childcare risks harming disadvantaged children
- The Promising Practices Project Report Launch
- New post to help advance research in early childhood education and care
- New research findings reveal abused children who were adopted did ‘significantly better’ than those brought up in care
- May 2022 Summer School: Advanced Quantitative Methods
- National Association for the Teaching of English Award 2021
- Born into care: Findings Report and Draft Guidelines Published
- Department’s Teacher Education and Professional Learning Group wins BERA Award for Research on ‘The Reform of Initial Teacher Education in Wales’
- Independent Assessment Commission recommends fundamental changes to education system
- Departmental Public Seminar Series launches: The Rights of the Child
- Recognition of Distinction Awards 2021 – Congratulations to our new Professors
- New Director for the Department of Education: Professor Victoria Murphy
- NEW FULLY FUNDED DPHIL SCHOLARSHIP: Research to support teachers with their teaching of the complex topics of empire, migration and belonging
- Family Routes Study: Growing up in adoptive and Special Guardianship families
- University of Oxford statement on ITT Market Review Response
- Dr Hillier awarded Institute of Physics Medal for her support of women in Physics and teacher education
- Dr Lyudmila Nurse and Professor Edward Mehluish co-edit special issue of Contemporary Social Science
- Early education and development ‘levelled up’ in 21st century – study
- History teaching has substantially changed to address diversity, say teachers
- TalkTogether project examining child oral language development showcases latest research at 2021 Corpus Roundtable
- Rees Centre chosen to lead virtual school evaluation
- £2.8 million for research to improve the lives of children and families
- Initial Teacher Training Market Review Response
- Time to re-evaluate Scotland’s exams system? Article co-authored by Jo-Anne Baird examines this year’s results and what should happen next.
- How well is self-identification working for care-experienced students entering higher education?
- AERA announces 2021 Fellows including Professor Sibel Erduran
- ‘Evidence into Action’: Gillian West speaks about NELI on Education Endowment Foundation podcast
- Government Review Threatens to Undermine Teacher Education
- Appointment – Associate Professor of Educational Assessment
- Major £2.8 million UKRI research programme to explore mental health outcomes for care-experienced young people
- A personal statement from Leon Feinstein on his role as chair of the evidence group for the MacAlister review of children’s social care, which published its case for change on 17th June
- What does the rise of Asia mean for global higher education?
- Yidan Prize Foundation Council of Luminaries discuss latest innovations in education
- New book: Marginalised Communities in Higher Education. Disadvantage, Mobility and Indigeneity.
- Transitions from care to adulthood: exploring historical narratives
- New study focusing on access to higher education for vulnerable young people
- Department for Education funds new ‘Children of the 2020s’ study
- Dr Susan James Relly appears on ‘The Educators’ podcast
- Neil Harrison co-edits Special Issue of ‘Teaching in Higher Education’
- Thousands of primaries benefit from Oxford oral language programme
- Being an attachment and trauma aware school during the Covid global pandemic
- STORIES Conference 2021: ‘Resilience, Resistance and Reflexivity in education’
- Caroline Korell receives University Research Staff Representative Fellowship
- Meeting with the independent care review team
- New Seminar series for Trinity Term: Global Public Seminars in Comparative and International Education
- Newly published research: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Theory in Comparative and International Education
- Report published today provides evidence on what influences EAL learners to mitigate language learning loss
- Professor Sibel Erduran elected to be a Freeman of the Worshipful Company of Salters.
- Professor Jo-Anne Baird on Radio 4’s the World at One
- LifeLong Links Evaluation Report
- Katy Granville-Chapman’s book longlisted for the Chartered Management Institute Book of the Year 2021
- Professor Leon Feinstein appointed Director of the Rees Centre
- Care leavers achieve ‘similar graduate outcomes’ to peers
- Teachers and parents invited to have their say on EAL research topics
- Oxford experts assess new government early years guidance
- New report highlights wellbeing inequality among care leavers
- Study shows high rate of international collaboration among ex-Soviet bloc researchers
- Launch of ‘one-stop shop’ for systematic reviews in education research
- Study suggests IB students ‘hold an advantage’ in critical thinking
- Urgent need to limit school exclusions in England after COVID-19 with policy reform
- Attachment and trauma awareness helps support vulnerable pupils
- Professor Jo-Anne Baird calls for an appeals system about CAGs for individual students on BBC World at One
- Care leavers in Higher Education: new statistics but a mixed picture
- Professor Edward Melhuish in a TRT World Roundtable discussion on the return to school
- Datafication of education: why values need to be at the centre of reviews of the Ofqual algorithm debacle
- Exam results shock, my niece’s disappointment and the need to overcome inequality in education
- Putting children first: sharing research evidence to inform Indian education policy and practice
- SQA exam system has largely maintained the status quo
- Professors Jo-Anne Baird & Louise Hayward comment on Scottish Higher Results
- Professor Kathy Sylva elected Fellow of the British Academy
- How Covid-19 is isolating student care leavers
- Launch: Feedback in Action: A Review of Practice in English Schools Report
- From messy Annex A to impactful child journeys
- Ministerial role needed to fix unequal education system, say MPs
- Fears of a rise in exclusions due to coronavirus rules
- Truancy could rise in wake of school closures, Oxford study says
- Need to Teach Colonial History In Schools
- The Hazel Project Research – teenagers in foster care
- Launch: School Exclusion Risks After COVID-19 Report
- socio-economic inequality rather than teacher racism is the strongest driver of the over-representation of some ethnic minority pupils with Special Educational Needs
- Academic Research For A Better Society: Through Social Entrepreneurship
- Where are our DPhil graduates now?
- Picturebooks, part 6 – Mirrors and windows
- Department secures Athena SWAN Bronze award
- Launch: Transforming Teacher Education report
- Coronavirus: Universities fear fall in lucrative overseas students
- Data shows men travel 48% more than women in face of COVID-19
- Mobility, working, learning and place in a time of pandemic
- Bildung am Bildschirm
- Beendet der Cambridge-Effekt das Studium im Hörsaal?
- Kristine Gorgen’s DPhil success
- Coronavirus school closures impact 1.3 billion children – and remote learning is increasing inequality
- NeuroLove: Staying Virtually Connected
- Oxfordshire Kindness Wave – Hope, Love, Comfort and Kindness for young people
- Department researchers embark on new programme to transform their research into sustainable social enterprises
- Closing the language gap: New programme found to boost young children’s language skills by +3 months
- Poor handling of pandemic ‘could damage student recruitment’
- Student project tackling the inequality of education for refugee children makes global competition semi-finals
- What you need to know to get the best from online education: A BJET/JCAL virtual special issue
- COVID-19 Admissions Update: Applications still open for 2020-2021 entry with interviews held online
- Children in Need should get more attention in policy and research
- Educational attainment and progress of children with a social worker
- Loss of International Student Fees Could Decimate UK Research
- Coronavirus: universities face a harsh lesson
- Insights from Oxford University: The COVID-19 era of education
- Almost 250,000 people fled London ahead of coronavirus lockdown
- Practical science and pandemics
- The mobile phone data that shows coronavirus bringing Britain to a halt
- Covid-19 Impact Monitor reveals UK population moves drops by 98%
- Elizabeth Wonnacott to join as Associate Professor of Applied Linguistics
- Post pandemic outlook for HE is bleakest for the poorest
- How could the coronavirus crisis change research spending?
- COVID-19: Department publishes home-schooling resource for parents and teachers
- COVID-19: Message from the Director
- Global HE as we know it has forever changed
- Nancy Perry to join as Visiting Professor of Education
- “Five year recovery period” predicted for global student mobility
- Coronavirus: global student flows to suffer ‘massive hit’ for years
- ‘Go home’ advice causing confusion among stranded students
- Universities having to adapt fast to the coronavirus crisis
- Complete shutdown of UK universities due to Covid-19 ‘impossible’
- ‘Removing nursery teachers will hit pupil outcomes’
- How children can learn to balance science and religion
- Brasenose College in conjunction with the department launches new Graduate Opportunities Scholarship
- Understanding emotions is nearly as important as IQ for students’ academic success
- Department Associates Announced 2020 AERA Fellows
- Proficiency in English is central to understanding the educational attainment of learners using EAL, but how long does it take to achieve, and what support do these learners need?
- The hunt for a coronavirus cure is showing how science can change for the better
- 2019 Annual Report published
- Universities need to up their game in supporting care-experienced graduates
- Department Academics And Doctoral Students Author New Book On Language Teaching In Global Contexts
- Steven Puttick Co-Edits Book Examining Robert Grosseteste’s Ideas on Education
- CGHE funding extended to 2023 by ESRC
- Sibel Erduran appointed to the PISA 2024 Science Framework Strategic Visioning Expert Group
- How should the UK position itself in the new geopolitics of higher education?
- New report on ethics of machine learning techniques in children’s social care
- India’s first ever International Care Leavers Convention
- Iram Siraj Becomes Inaugural Recipient of Nanyang Technological University’s Lee Sing Kong Visiting Professorship in Early Childhood Education
- Researcher Vacancies at the Rees Centre
- Meta-Analysis shows that emotional intelligence predicts academic performance
- Building an Inclusive and Equitable Early Childhood Education for Refugee Children: Framework for Action
- The department’s most-read news stories from 2019
- First sessions announced for public seminar series on ‘Exclusion from school and its consequences’
- ESRC Grand Union Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) collaborative doctoral studentship with the Derrill Allatt Foundation and Human Story Theatre
- Staff spotlight: Steve Puttick
- Department researchers awarded HEIF Knowledge Exchange Fellowships to support collaborations with external partners
- Corporate parenting in action – using the local offer to ‘set care leavers up to succeed’
- Sonali Nag to lead new ESRC-funded research to support children’s oral language development in multilingual settings
- Teacher Training at Oxford University – reluctant birth, robust development…and the Oxford Review of Education
- Chinese scholars ‘show mixed responses’ to ‘cash for articles’
- Higher education can be a transformative experience for care leavers
- Born into care: guidelines to be developed for health and social work professionals
- Scores bolster case for Shanghai-style mathematics teaching method
- Rees Centre Annual Lecture on School Exclusions – Video
- Data in the right format
- Learning to Care
- Exploring the Complexities of Children’s Social Care Data
- Department collaborates with Sylva Foundation to produce new forestry fieldwork resources for secondary school geography classes
- My 5 priorities for FE that should go first in the next education secretary’s in-tray
- New Honorary Fellows announced
- Experts call for better understanding of risks and benefits / using algorithms in Children’s Social Care
- Ted Melhuish Advises the Irish Government on New Early Years Funding Model
- Department academics author new book on research methods for classroom discourse
- Mark less, research more, teach better
- Trevor Mutton gives keynote address at 2019 UCET Annual Conference
- New book exploring the relationship between universities, the security services and the intelligence community
- Department ranked 4th in world and 1st in Europe for Education in the 2020 Times Higher Education World University Rankings by subject league
- Staff and students showcase their research at the department’s annual poster conference
- Using data tools in local authority children’s services
- Trevor Mutton elected Vice Chair of The Universities’ Council for the Education of Teachers
- Facing reduced harm but are children in need still not achieving?
- Use of children’s social care data at the local and regional area level – Insight piece published
- Honorary Doctorate for Professor Jo-Anne Baird
- Care Experienced Conference 2019/Research and Academic Group Report
- Special Issue of Oxford Review of Education focuses on educational outcomes of children in care
- Teenagers in foster care – Special Issue published
- Global Teacher Education Summit unites leading researchers to establish new consortium
- £2.55m funding boost for research into impact of UK school exclusions
- Teacher Education and Professional Learning research group present a symposium at BERA 2019
- UK reacts to anouncement of new post-study work rights for international students
- Pearson and Oxford University Centre for Educational Assessment awarded PISA 2021 contract for England, Northern Ireland and Wales
- David Johnson elected Chen Yidan Visiting Global Fellow at the Harvard Graduate School of Education
- Harry Judge, 90: Educationist whose ideas revolutionised the classroom
- Developing the department – why Space Matters
- Sibel Erduran elected President of ESERA
- Teachers’ expectations help students to work harder, but can also reduce enjoyment and confidence
- Appointment of Professor Leon Feinstein
- Therese Hopfenbeck and Niall Winters Receive Professorships
- Neil Harrison wins the 2019 BERJ Editors’ Choice Award
- 2019 Oxford Review of Education Award
- 2019 Helga Todd Bursary Recipients For Newly Qualified Teachers
- Development Matters revised for new EYFS
- july 2019 newsletter
- OUCEA Annual Lecture 2019 with Nancy Perry- video now available
- Transforming Professional Development for Early Years Educators in Australia
- The importance of early phonics improvements for predicting later reading comprehension
- Let’s hope the new PM puts lifelong learning at the top of his to-do list
- New Outcomes Framework launched for Children’s Social Care Services
- What stories will we tell our children post-Brexit?
- Eight ways to embed WorldSkills expertise into FE
- On the job T-level placements: how we can avoid a high-vis failure
- Growing Sino-Russian Academic Ties
- School exclusions are on the up – but training teachers in trauma could help
- OUCEA investigates critical thinking skills in International Baccalaureate
- Can the UK take advantage of the electric vehicle revolution?
- School exclusions are on the up – but training teachers in trauma could help
- The Augar report pits arts against sciences – and both lose out
- GCSEs: what has been the impact of the shift to linear exams?
- Oxford’s admissions offer needs to be examined in context
- What does national data tell us about the education of unaccompanied refugee children in care?
- The Augar Review: what it could mean for students and universities
- Ellie Ott discusses fostering on Radio 4
- The Education of Unaccompanied Migrant Young People
- Professor Anil Kanjee visits OUCEA
- Children caring for each other: thinking about separated child migrants
- Tes Podagogy podcast on GCSE exams with Prof Jo-Anne Baird
- Masters Thesis Highly Commended in BERA’s 2019 Dissertation Awards
- Where should we place unaccompanied refugee children to live?
- Jessica Briggs Baffoe-Djan and Neil Harrison Conferred as Associate Professors
- New project announced – Ethics review of machine learning in children’s social care
- Rees Centre annnounces new projects
- Access of care leavers to universities
- Well trained nursery staff ‘key to good care’
- Response to Timpson Review of School Exclusion
- Improving pupils’ short-term memory boosts maths results, study finds
- Examination Reform:Impact of Linear and Modular Examinations at GCSE
- Does the structure of GCSE exams matter?
- Lingnan University visits strengthen East-West collaborative relationships with leading UK universities
- Modular versus linear GCSEs: does the structure of exams matter?
- Sibel Erduran Appointed Editor-in-Chief of Science & Education Journal
- Teachers split on whether reformed GCSEs cause extra pupil stress
- England’s highly centralised skills system is a problem
- This Is Why Canadian Universities Don’t Have College Admissions Scandals
- Researchers in the UK prepare to air their Brexit views in the EU election
- New directions for the Rees Centre in 2019
- Post-16 Education and Apprenticeship Levy Funding – Next steps for English Devolution
- Why universities are spending millions on marketing
- Staff at Limerick colleges get notice about new moves on co-operation
- Dr Harry Judge ( -2019)
- Julie Selwyn Appointed Professor of Education and Adoption
- Enhancing Language Skills for Socially Disadvantaged Children
- Revealed: The 16 members of the ‘College of the Future’ commission
- Inside two decades of higher education in China
- Student Conference Explores Inclusivity in Education
- Future Directions in Teacher Education Event Series Announced
- Gender pay gap expert among top professors quitting Brexit Britain
- DPhil Student undertakes landmark research on the effects of ear disease in Mukono, Uganda
- Seminar series shows tremendous interest in fair access at Oxford
- Department Research Guides Early Education Reform in Australia
- Msc Educational Assessment residential week
- Department academics to advise government on early years pedagogy and practice and digital literacy
- Applications for 2019/20 still accepted!
- Oxford needs to look at its admissions process to move on access
- Stop Criminalizing Parents For School Attendance
- Assessment in Education; Issue 1 of 2019 out now!
- Labour reveals lifelong learning commission panel
- Exploring Science Education Research in Disciplinary Contexts
- Black pupils’ schooling ‘dumbed down over special needs’
- Don’t leave the L1 out of English-taught programs, OUP experts warn
- University Businesses on The Bottom Line
- Ethnic minority children disproportionately identified with Special Education Needs (SEN)
- Let’s embrace a four nations approach to skills
- Three ways a higher education system can push towards more equal opportunity
- Understanding social transformation and school environments through social network analysis
- Poorer students less likely to study history at GCSE under government reforms, study says
- Whole school approaches to attachment and trauma (secondary schools)
- To learn another language, first nurture your own
- Why South Africa will find it hard to break free from its vicious teaching cycle
- Care leavers in higher education: how many are there and why does it matter?
- Department’s most read research stories in 2018
- Employer engagement hasn’t gone to plan
- New departmental event – ‘Student Access to University, Admissions testing preparation effects’
- A lack of aspiration is not the problem
- Mathematical Reasoning Programme Improves Primary Student Progress by +One Month
- Playtime pushed as great way to learn
- Celebrating 100 Years of the Department of Education
- British Association for International and Comparative Education Grant Awarded to Doctoral Research exploring student self-formation
- Doctoral Researchers explore International Perspectives in Education Policy at second winter school
- Department of Education receives “outstanding” rating for Teacher Training in latest Ofsted report
- New publication by OUCEA Researcher Dr Kit Double
- Department of Education Secures Largest Research Income in its History
- Victoria Murphy Announced Chair of the National Association for Language Development in the Curriculum
- Revealed: The experts on Ofsted’s early years forum
- Education Academics Claim World Powerlifting Titles
- Public Seminar Series on ‘Student Access to University’ Announced
- Do Skills Advisory Panels even make sense?
- The new politics of higher education and inequality
- Literature quality linked to foreign language ability in young people
- Designing Buildings for the Future of Schooling: Contemporary Visions for Education
- Seizing the laurels: Tsinghua University may soon top the world league in science research
- Political blogs by teenagers promote tolerance, participation and public debate
- Department Evidences Call for a National Early Intervention Strategy
- A backwards step for EAL
- Neil Harrison joins the department’s centre for Fostering and Education as Deputy Director
- To do or not to do with feedback: A study of undergraduate students’ engagement and use of feedback within a portfolio assessment design
- Yasmine El Masri joins the Welsh Baccalaureate Design Group as Expert Advisor
- Rethinking the Race Between Education & Technology
- The lure of work rights for int’l students – Act 2: Students
- Coding project creates career futures for young women
- The lure of work rights for int’l students – Act 1: Policies
- The missing middle gap: what’s happening with level 4 and 5?
- Asia urged to invest in early childhood education to increase economic development
- Postgraduate earnings premium ‘varies hugely across OECD’
- Exclusive English
- 2018 Research Poster Conference explores themes from school diversity to civic engagement in the digital era
- ‘There’s no plan B’: academics race to safeguard research against Brexit
- Associate Professorship in Applied Linguistics Vacancy
- New report bolsters case for reintroducing EAL proficiency data collection
- Bilingual pupils outperform native English
- Bilingual pupils outperform native English
- Postgraduate earnings premium ‘varies hugely across OECD’
- Gauging EAL pupils’ English ability ‘vital’
- Colleges have a grander ambition for their colleges
- Nursery teachers quit to earn more in supermarkets
- Thumbs up for Labor plan to subsidise education for three-year-olds
- “Portuguese could be taught to the Luxemburgish,” argues Professor of Oxford
- World University Rankings 2019: results announced
- Make Oxbridge admissions a lottery, Sutton Trust head says
- What can we learn from vocational training in Germany?
- Examination Standards: How measures and meanings differ around the world
- Ofqual: ‘Our exams system is as good as any’
- Department contributes to policy change on teacher education in Norway
- Department welcomes Professor Simon Marginson
- Professor Diane Mayer joins the Department of Education
- Big Data Explored at The 44th International Association for Educational Assessment Conference
- New BERA Ethical Guidelines for Educational Research
- Comparing Post-Socialist Transformations: Purposes, Policies, and Practices in Education
- Enhancing Language Skills for Socially Disadvantaged Children
- Examination Standards- How measures and meanings differ around the world
- Department collaborates with Peking University on mathematical learning
- Raising the bar for African research in £20m partnership
- Professor Malmberg to Deliver Inaugural Seminar: Intraindividual Research in Education
- Dr Michelle Meadows makes appearance on BBC Breakfast
- The First Principles of Vocational Education in England
- Prestigious Fellowship for Professor Siraj
- If colleges are not careful, HE will muscle in on their territory
- New thinking essential to help leaders address FE policies and pressures
- Lars-Erik Malmberg receives Professorship
- New publication: Scripting the future – exploring potential strategic leadership responses to the marketization of English FE and vocational provision
- Could the roll-out of the T-Level help to change the face of technical education in the UK?
- More practice can be a win-win
- Society for the Scientific Study of Reading’s Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award
- Challenging the validity and utility of the proposed Reception Baseline Assessment in England
- Baseline has ‘dubious validity’, say academics
- Oxford’s second Symposium for Comparative and International Education explores education, uncertainty and the changing nature of society
- Jennifer Gore Announced Visiting Professor
- Sir John Timpson: why understanding trauma and attachment is so important
- Bishop calls for a public service covenant to wipe out student debt for future caring professionals
- Race Disparity Audit Report cites departmental evidence
- Department gives evidence to Education Select Committee for newly launched Life Chances Inquiry
- Stop fighting over the crumbs of the adult education budget!
- Early Learning Goals group ‘unrepresentative’
- How Russia is using international students as a weapon in the new Cold War
- Britain’s apprenticeship levy is causing a boom in MBAs
- Anna-Maria Ramezanzadeh Receives Best Postgraduate Teacher 2018
- Parenting app has ‘positive effects’ on pre-schoolers’ cognitive development
- What are the biggest problems with T-levels?
- Highly Commended at the O2RB Excellence in Impact Awards 2018
- Reducing teacher workload
- Professor Simon Marginson appointed as Associate Professor of Higher Education with title of Professor of Higher Education
- Joshua McGrane and Robert Woore awarded the title of Associate Professor
- Why Closing the Word Gap Matters – new research finds evidence of a significant word gap in UK schools
- Following the footprints of spies on campus
- Britain’s ambitious apprenticeship reforms are in trouble
- Narrow vocabulary ‘hits pupils’ grades’
- Reflections on attachment training in my school
- Department Academics Appointed to PISA 2021 Expert Groups
- Market or system – what’s the best model for FE?
- House of Commons symposium on teacher education policy
- Unsure Starts – study finds extent of children’s centre closures is double official government figures
- The future of Sure start children’s centres on Woman’s Hour
- Industry Secondments further engagement with departmental research
- Department gives evidence to Parliament on early years intervention inquiry
- Professor Steve Strand appointed to REF 2021 education panel
- Iram Siraj appointed as Senior Research Fellow and Professor of Child Development & Education
- Department gives evidence on lifelong learning to Economic Affairs Select Committee
- Congratulations to Professor Judy Sebba OBE
- Professor Diane Mayer appointed as Statutory Professor of Education
- Putting the department’s higher education policy research at the heart of the national tuition fee debate
- What you need to know about the tuition fee review — and how it could affect students
- Responsible research policy
- Making PIRLS (Progress in International Reading Literacy Study) results more useful for teachers
- Oral Language Intervention programme proven to improve vocabulary, grammar and listening skills to benefit schools
- New project funded to enhance the Assessment of Practical Science Skills in Schools and Colleges
- Dr Lisa Holmes becomes the New Director of The Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education
- Emeritus Professor Terezinha Nunes Awarded The Hans Freudenthal Award for 2017
- Writers and their Education
- Emeritus Professor Ernesto Macaro
- 25th Anniversary conference celebrating Assessment in Education: Principles, Policy and Practice
- HONOURS: Professor of education made an OBE
- Inaugural Yidan Prize Ceremony, Hong Kong
- Engaging Parents Effectively
- England worst in schooling summer-born
- Reading Literacy Around the World – England’s Pupils Among the Best in Europe
- Jo-Anne Baird on the Integrity of the Exam System at the Education Select Committee
- Assessment: The ‘worrying’ rise in exam malpractice – and four other trends discussed by experts today
- Report on ‘People and policy: A comparative study of apprenticeship across eight national contexts’ launched at the eighth World Innovation Summit for Education
- How star jumps can boost nursery children’s learning
- Raising Learning Outcomes in Developing Countries
- Dr Carol Brown wins BPS Early Career Award
- New funded PhD (DPhil) on digital innovation in Kenyan hospitals
- Funding awarded for science education workshops
- Associate Professorship of Higher Education
- Department of Education third in the world and first in the UK for degrees in Education
- Report on literacy and foundation learning
- Apprenticeships are “fragile” training, research shows
- National Association for the Teaching of English Award
- New Rees Centre Deputy Director
- New Rees Centre Deputy Director
- Black students on going to Oxbridge: ‘it’s not even asked or pushed for, it’s just assumed no one is applying’
- PGCE student to represent UK at Invictus Games
- Pam Sammons named Outstanding Graduate Supervisor
- William T. Davis award
- University Pro-Proctor
- New portrait of Professor Kathy Sylva
- The importance of early education
- Professorship of Education
- Go_girl project receives new funding
- Professor Oancea appointed to Norwegian International Advisory Panel
- Sure Start worked
- Timpson funding for attachment research
- Dr Colin Brock
- Professor John Furlong OBE
- Department Nominating Organisation for Yidan Prize
- Starting out right
- Appointment as Deputy Chief Regulator at Ofqual
- Professor Charles Hulme appointment
- An ‘EasyPeasy’ way to improve school readiness skills
- Wellcome Trust symposium grant
- How can we design better schools?
- Mastery approaches to Maths teaching
- Academy of Social Sciences fellowship award
- Oxford Education Deanery in VC’s Oration
- University tops World University Rankings
- go_girl project features in impact film
- BERA Dissertation Award to 2015 DPhil graduate
- A new breed of secondary schools
- Professor Baird appointed Standing Adviser to Education Select Committee
- ESRC featured research: mobile technology
- Honorary Doctorate for Judy Sebba
- Appointment of Dr Sonali Nag
- SKOPE blog on The Post-16 Skills Plan
- Professorial title for Alis Oancea
- Sibel Erduran appointed as Professor Science Education
- An OBE for Ted Melhuish
- Death of Jerome Bruner
- A new statistical tool
- Believing in Better
- Niall Winters appointed as co-editor of BJET
- Effective marking practices
- Assessment for Learning in Africa
- Improving language in the early years
- Minister mentions department research
- Challenging the grudging consensus behind the REF
- Engaging Parents
- Seminar Series award
- Newton/Al-Farabi Researcher Links grant
- BETT award for school improvement project
- Children’s centres improve parenting skills
- Background to Success
- Society for Educational Studies book prize
- 2015 Teaching Awards
- Fostered children ‘get better grades’
- Arts activities beneficial for disaffected
- Fostering friendly launch
- An honorary doctorate for Professor Kathy Sylva
- Research in conversation: Victoria Murphy
- PGCE alum wins Teacher of the Year
- Jerome Bruner turns 100
- Closing the educational attainment gaps
- Translating research into practice is never simple in social care
- Department seminar series on knowledge exchange and impact
- House of Commons debate cites Department research
- Children’s centres ‘popular but under pressure
- Departmental OUSU teaching awards
- Department wins Boat Race!
- PGCE interns raise funds for cancer trust
- MSc students in final for US$1m. Hult Prize
- Helping the bright disadvantaged to achieve
- Narrowing the achievement gap for looked after children
- Teaching tomorrow’s teachers
- Ministers’ maths plans just don’t add up
- ‘Ideology’ undermining standards in education, warn researchers
- EAL children ‘catch-up’
- Teaching awards 2013-14
- Oxford universities support leadership development in city primary schools
- Society for Educational Studies prize
- Prize for Innovation and Excellence
- QI appearance of superconducting levitating train
- Nurturing the rich learning and teaching of Science
- Professor Kathy Sylva Awarded the BERA Inaugural John Nisbet Fellowship
- BERA ‘Landmark’ studies
- Even excellent schools ‘don’t help poor catch up with rich’
- The role of the Supervising Social Worker
- Children’s mental health research gets national coverage
- ‘Better GSCE grades’ for children who had preschool education
- Improving ‘ordinary care’ will help mental health of children in care
- High quality provision needed for two-year olds
- Primary school CBT lessons reduce anxiety
- Oxford University Vice Chancellor’s Social Impact Award
- Oxford-Goroka project to improve teacher education in PNG
- OECD: teachers overworked and ‘not valued by society’
- Working with disengaged young people
- The quality of preschools depends on where you live
- Professor Judy Sebba at Buckingham Palace
- ‘Research-literate’ teachers know what works in classrooms
- Banning calculators in primary schools a ‘backward step’, academics warn
- English language use ‘most significant internationalisation trend for HE’
- BERA at AERA 2014
- EMI Oxford centre launch
- Learning lessons together
- Review of effective parent-and-child fostering provision
- Daniel Caro awarded OECD Fellowship
- Professor Furlong appointed ITT adviser for Wales
- OUCEA wins PIRLS 2016
- Early years learning needs a sound foundation
- Doctoral student wins poster award
- Postgraduate funding opportunities for 2014-15
- Distracted? How hyperstimulation is making you smarter
- Difficult but rewarding challenge of foster care
- Learning bonanza as schools launch tie-up with university
- Oxford University Education Deanery plan to help local schools
- Should children as young as two start school to improve their social skills?
- Lower attaining pupils face GCSE ‘ban on history’
- Bold and innovative steps to develop city’s teachers
- Professor John Furlong appointed to expert review panel
- Design Matters website launched
- Radio 4 discussion on education cites the EPPE study
- Teenagers in Foster Care Seminar Series
- Professor Jenny Ozga welcomed into British Academy
- First winner of the OES PGCE Prize
- A Hot Pick: Professor Herb Marsh
- Make reading a lot of laughs
- Most acclaimed lecturer award
- Alliances for Inclusion
- Robyn Sneath: 2013 Trudeau Scholar!
- Early career award
- Educationalists must do better
- Reform of the GCSE
- Professor Cathrine Hasse visits OSAT this term
- Walking through the corridors of power
- Best Dissertation Award
- CIE MSc Students Complete Capstone trip to UNESCO, OECD and IIEP
- Peter Bryant elected to the Reading Hall of Fame
- Bending light and reading secret messages….
- Prince Charles praises education students on Oxford visit
- Highly accessed article on research impact and the REF
- Department of Education leads the way in Oxford
- UK teenagers without the internet are ‘educationally disadvantaged’
- A warm welcome to Steve Strand
- New Director to take up his position in January
- SKOPE research on vocational training and apprenticeships
- Teaching Christianity in school is still supported by most people, reveals Oxford survey
- International media coverage for PGDip TELUS
- Carrie Thomas wins ALSLA dissertation award
- Rees Centre website
- Graduate Short Film competition winner
- Rees Centre launch
- Time to stop avoiding grammar rules
- Professor David Phillips awarded a Leverhulme Emeritus Fellowship
- SKOPE Study: UK university applicants becoming ‘more selective’
- Rote learning equals maths confusion
- MLT Student wins VC Civic Award
- Norwegian Graduate School
- OxTALENT Award for Dr Catherine Walter
- Society of Authors award for Dr Catherine Walter
- More congratulations to Jennifer Star
- New centre for research into fostered and looked after children
- New BERA Vice-President elect
- Professor Ian Menter comes to Oxford
- Measure for measure
- Degrees judged less important
- AERA Dissertation Prize
- Study emphasises value of doing homework
- Karl Heinz Gruber awarded honour by Austrian President
- Study on quality measures suggests Ofsted grades may be too broad
- Primary schools to rise to 1,000 pupils in place shortage
- Professor Herb Marsh elected AERA Fellow
- CALL FOR PAPERS Learning and Technology Conference
- CALL FOR PAPERS Deadline: BAAL Conference
- Pre-school’s ‘protection’ lasts into teen years
- Degrees of change
- Warning over A level standards
- Thomas Alexander (2012)
- Award winning research paper
- NSW Young Australian of the Year
- Help teachers improve their skills or live with the consequences: Professional development for lecturers is vital–students deserve it and universities’ reputations depend on it
- Oxford 1+1 Programme
- SKOPE at WorldSkills London 2011
- How government discovered early childhood
- Membership of the Council of the European Educational Research Association
- Royal Society Education Research Fellowship awarded
- Award for ‘outstanding scholarly contribution’
- Graduates ‘drive up standards’ in nurseries
- How to achieve peak performance
- Order of Australia awarded to Professor Maclean
- Oxbridge Exchange 2011
- An honorary doctorate for Professor Anne Edwards
- Knowledge and Policy In Health and Education in Europe
- The 6th Biennual International SELF Conference 2011
- John Furlong gives keynote at Dublin Conference
- Teachers learning ‘from experience’?
- Education and the Peace Process in Ireland
- From earthquake to Oxford
- DPhil student wins CICE Best Paper Award
- Oxford PGCE judged to be ‘outstanding’ following recent Ofsted inspection
- Gabriel Stylianides achieves the AERA SIG/RME Early Career Publication Award
- Professor Jo-Anne Baird appointed as new OUCEA Director
- Teaching materials to improve memory
- Early years quality rating under scrutiny
- Nuffield Review wins book prize
- Dr Susan James win an ESRC Small Grant
- Cities Seminar Series
- APP in practice
- Professor Anne Watson appointed to ESRC advisory committee
- Professor Anne Watson wins Nuffield Foundation grant
- Educação Matemática. Os números e as operações numéricas
- Nursery can benefit toddlers, says study
- DPhil students win OxTalent 2010 awards
- Can a child be too young to learn to read?
- ELearning Students Judge University Award
- Postgraduate Diploma in Teaching of English Language in University Settings Launched
- Nuffield Review publishes final report ‘Education for All: The future of education and training for 14-19 year olds’
- MSc e-Learning students win university award
- Yuliya Zayachuk
- Alex Lennartsson
- Gonzalo Hidalgo Bazan
- Elizabeth Kimber
- Joanne Caddy
- Shez Naqvi
- Nevila Muka
- Amy Bennett
- Ljiljana Rosic
- Oliver Hadingham
- Claire Neaves
- Nancy Epton
- Rebeca Otazua
- Nuo Chen
- Hansol Lee
- Claire Mc Cann
- Warda Arif
- Zak Devey
- Elizabeth Rahman
- Ghazala Bhatti
- Alice Willatt
- Gardiana Bandeira Melo
- Rebecca Snell
- Lauren Hammond
- Cora Alina Blau
- Anil Kanjee
- Claire Stewart-Hall
- Kristina Khoo-Rhodes
- Mercedes Crisóstomo
- Pippa Naegeli
- Yunfei Ma
- Amy Jaffa
- Ling Wang
- Thomas Procter-Legg
- Penelope Melville
- Nadia Talukder
- Sarah Karam
- Ben Balogun-Ojuri
- Rosemary O’Connor
- Robin-James Zenker
- Nilesh Sawant
- Dongxia Nie
- Patricia Jones
- Ivan Au
- Yusuf Ahmed
- Anna Donaghy
- Lingxuan Chen
- Tianning Zhu
- Minrui Chen
- Pronita Dutta
- Alice Mendelson
- Victoria Bogdanova
- Hao Wu
- Louise Nicolson
- Gia-Yen Luong
- Wai Lok Suen
- Jane Blane
- Khansa Maria
- Junlong Li
- Zhuohan Chen
- Motema Letlatsa
- Robert Klassen
- Alice Willington
- Travis Fuchs
- Youchuan Ma
- Nicole Mockler
- Robert Ward-Penny
- Julia Badger
- Arathi Sriprakash
- Jeremy Knox
- Grace Parsons
- Holly Jenkins
- Raynard Sims
- Natalia Bonilla
- Neil Selwyn
- Valentina Andries
- Louise Couceiro
- Sara Ratner
- Natasha MacMahon
- Paulina Rodriguez Anaiz
- Elwira Trofimczuk
- Nadiya Ivanenko
- Danielle Watkis
- Shelby Knighten
- Leesa Wheelahan
- Gavin Killip
- Gavin Moodie
- Danica Sims
- Louise Vincent
- Stuart Cadwallader
- Zhengyuan Yang
- Bill Finnegan
- Daniel Cottle
- Ernesto Roque-Gutierrez
- Joseph Bullough
- Madeleine Buil
- Jenny Wynn
- Ahmad Akkad
- Hannah Freeman
- Kirstin Erath
- Maria Evangelou
- Dr Christopher Wheadon
- Maria Teresa Tatto
- Miri Barak
- Pramod Sah
- Alison Matthews
- Jill Adler
- Lulu Shi
- Olga Ioannidou
- Anna-Maria Ramezanzadeh
- Eva Viviani
- John Mason
- Sølvi Lillejord
- Emmanuel Edudzie
- Louise Matthews
- Alina von Davier
- Kim Polgreen
- Professor Andreas Stylianides
- Christine Namdar
- Shuo-Fang Liang
- Lyudmila Nurse
- Mark Searle
- Grace Healy
- Rachel Robinson
- Candace Debnam
- Thomas Godfrey-Faussett
- Yiting Hao
- Louise Badham
- Zaiba Patel
- Jim Carroll
- Fiona Wood
- Mariela Neagu
- Jiayi Li
- Henry Tsz Fung Lo
- Debbie Aitken
- Anding Shi
- Haoran Luo
- Joanna Rankin
- Qian Liu
- Kelsey Inouye
- Chris Munday
- Yaoyao Ruan
- Anushay Mazhar
- Irfan Sarhindi
- Maryam Toorawa
- Georgia Lin
- Atsushi Kanayama
- Heather Sherkunov
- Irina Lepadatu
- Thomas Hole
- Victoria Shott
- Adele Gregory
- Catherine Lofthouse
- Marta Lesiak
- Athina Ntalli
- Louisa Summers
- Joonghyun Kwak
- Clare Brooks
- Gift Sonkqayi
- Natalya Hanley
- Monica Kirkwood
- Laura King
- Zhe Wang
- Jonathan Michie
- Núria Planas
- Mirna Sumatic
- Qingling Kong
- Siyu Ma
- Brian Micheni
- Laura Molway
- Johannes Schulz
- Kason Ka Ching Cheung
- Xinqian (Nancy) Jiang
- Catherine Hamilton
- Olav Schewe
- Kathleen Kupiec
- Shuyan Liu
- Pierre Lucien
- Amelia Farber
- Claire (Yu) Hao
- Cindy Ong
- Jisoo Seo
- Alexa Muse
- Pok Jing (Jane) Ho
- Reem Alqahtani
- Margo Kubik
- Abdul Karim Ismail
- Nicole Sin Hang Law
- Kabira Namit
- Yushan Xie
- Kexin Yu
- Bhabesh San San Wal
- Georgia Hyde-Dryden
- Laura Hakimi
- Aliya Khalid
- Jason Bentley
- Daniela Singh
- Lesley-Anne Adams
- Gene Thompson
- Juliet Scott-Barrett
- Nathan Thomas
- Kari Sahan
- Jim McKinley
- Jonathan Tridgell
- Elena Tsvetkova
- Lavinia Kamphausen
- Jennifer Ginger
- Oscar Urmeneta
- Renyu Jiang
- Lena Zlock
- Abbey Palmer
- Josie Scammell
- Minto Felix
- Fang Xu
- Darta Drabovica
- Ashley Abbott
- Laura Dong
- Julie Chia-Yi Lin
- Lucy Robinson
- Lara Karassellos
- Ellen Froustis
- Lisa Cherry
- Amanda Lyons
- Afia Ahmed Chaudhry
- Abismrita Chakravarty
- Szilvi Watson
- Isobel Talks
- Yibo Wang
- Xiaona Wang
- Wanlin Cai
- McQueen Sum
- Lawrence Houldsworth
- Benjamin Hart
- Antonin Charret
- Annette Riziki
- Kyla Smith
- Brooks Newmark
- Elizabeth Wonnacott
- Christian Ydesen
- Andrew Brown
- Aine Kelly
- Stacey McGowen
- Katrina May Dulay
- Margaret Mulholland
- Joanna McIntyre
- Jill Porter
- Linda Woodhead
- Liz Polding
- Naosuke Amano
- Ebru Kaya
- Fahad Al-Kuwari
- Yousef Khalifa Aleghfeli
- Darshini Nadarajan
- Heather Leigh Kayton
- Runke Huang
- Manal Bougazzoul
- Steven Puttick
- Leon Feinstein
- Karen Skilling
- Heather Browning-Lee
- Caroline Korell
- Priya Tah
- Stephen Billett
- Julie Selwyn CBE
- Richard Canter
- Jenny Gore
- Owen Henkel
- Jacqueline Barnes
- Lesley Nelson-Addy
- Hubert Ertl
- Anay Nangalia
- Kamal Armanious
- Eddy Palmer
- Jamie Stiff
- Tiarnach McDermott
- Marja Popov
- Yuanyue Hao
- Shailen Popat
- Sizwe Mkwanazi
- Dina Hassan El Odessy
- Abigail Branford
- Xiujuan Wang
- Liam Guilfoyle
- Nikki Luke
- Catherine Scutt
- Vania Pinto
- Olga Mun
- Jon Twing
- Sally Tomlinson
- Gordon Stobart
- Paul Meara
- Michelle Meadows
- Lynn McAlpine
- Hau Ming Tse
- Andrew Martin
- Terence Lovat
- Andrea Laczik
- Arniika Kuusisto
- Edward W. Wolfe
- Mariane Hedegaard
- Arthur Graesser
- John Gay
- Marilyn Fleer
- Judy Sebba OBE
- David Mills
- Alis Oancea
- James Arthur
- Geoffrey Walford
- Anne Watson
- David Phillips
- Jenny Ozga
- Ian Menter
- Ken Mayhew
- Herbert Marsh
- Ingrid Lunt
- Anne Edwards
- Dr Penelope Woolf
- Ray Shostak CBE
- Alison Robb-Webb
- Anne Pinot de Moira
- Hilary Emery
- Ernesto Macaro
- Liam Gearon
- Richard Pring
- Hamish Chalmers
- Diane Mayer
- Terezinha Nunes
- Iram Siraj
- Simon Marginson
- David Johnson
- Susan James Relly
- Emma Klose
- Zhen Zheng
- Anne Geniets
- Helen Trivedi
- Janique Charles
- Judith Hillier
- Alice Tawell
- Jason Todd
- Rachel Gardner
- Ewart Keep
- Kojo Botsio
- Sandra Mathers
- Ian Thompson
- Kedi Simpson
- Fiona Jelley
- Pamela Sammons
- Barbara Posner
- Faidra Faitaki
- Louise Gully
- Sophie Booton
- Yoon Young Lee
- Edward Melhuish
- Jenny Lawlor
- Jessica Chan
- Katharina Ereky-Stevens
- Xi Liang
- Harriet Ward
- Diana Jarman
- Gabriel Stylianides
- Gary Snapper
- Barbara Raleigh
- Lars-Erik Malmberg
- Erik Kappe
- Maia Chankseliani
- Joanne Hazell
- Nigel Fancourt
- Jenni Ingram
- Erica Oakes
- Julian Gardiner
- Ariel Lindorff
- Alison Cullinane
- Steve Strand
- Trevor Mutton
- Victoria Elliott
- Yasmine El Masri
- Nicole Dingwall
- Harry Daniels
- Ann Childs
- Helen Carasso
- Katharine Burn
- Jo-Anne Baird
- Niall Winters
- James Robson
- John Furlong
- Rebecca Eynon
- Chris Davies
- Robert Woore
- Kathy Sylva
- Heath Rose
- Victoria Murphy
- Xin Xu
- Lena Gray
- Sonali Nag
- Sibel Erduran
- Charles Hulme
- Chloe Walker
- The Equity, Diversity and Belonging (EDB) Annual Lecture: Global Perspectives on Girls’ Education
- Quantitative Methods Hub – Seminar Programme HT 2024
- Webinar: Care Leavers’ Transitions into the Labour Market
- Investing in assessment capacity: Oxford’s Masters in Educational Assessment
- Empowering Teachers as Innovators: Integrating Augmented/Virtual Reality and 3D Printing into Teacher Education
- Automated scoring
- Advanced Quantitative Methods, Trinity Term 2023
- How resilient is England’s qualification system?
- Ethical Dilemmas in Educational Research: Considering challenges and risks in practice
- Teacher Judgment Seminar (Jun 2011)
- Public Understanding of Assessment Seminar Series (Nov 2011 to Apr 2012)
- Invited Symposium on A-level reform (Sep 2012)
- Invited Symposium on GCSE mathematics reform (Oct 2012)
- Invited Symposium: Teacher Ethics in Assessment (Mar 2015)
- Making schools better for disadvantaged students
- OUCEA Annual Lecture 2022: The Future of Assessment
- Testing the Generalized Internal/External Frame of Reference Model with Expectancy, Value, and Cost Beliefs amongst Lower-Secondary School Students in Rwanda
- Higher education in Russia Part II: Since the war began
- Consent Education and teaching English
- Frontiers in Educational Technology
- Signals in the storm: Higher education, digital communication and geo-politics – CGHE’s 300th seminar/webinar
- BNO (British National Overseas citizenship) holders and UK higher education
- The Politicisation of the Regulation of Higher Education in England
- Insights into evaluation of research “quality”: what role for the researcher?
- Positional competition among Chinese University Graduates
- ‘Higher education and knowledge in Latin America past, present and future’ series – webinar 4: Epistemic injustice, decolonisation and the potentials of intercultural education
- ‘Higher education and knowledge in Latin America past, present and future’ series – webinar 3: Internationalisation and student mobility in Latin American higher education
- ‘Higher education and knowledge in Latin America past, present and future’ series – webinar 2: The World Class University, regional responses and academic careers in Latin America
- ‘Higher education and knowledge in Latin America past, present and future’ series – webinar 1: Political economy of higher education reforms in Latin America
- Testing the Generalized Internal/External Frame of Reference Model with Expectancy, Value, and Cost Beliefs amongst Lower-Secondary School Students in Rwanda
- Measurement Invariance Testing Via the Alignment Method: Intersectional Grouping and Multiple Cohorts
- The Equity, Diversity and Belonging (EDB) Inaugural Lecture
- Education of Unaccompanied Refugee Minors in UNRWA Schools in Jordan: Risk and Resilience Factors
- Language in the Mathematics Classroom
- Higher education in Russia Part I: History of the present
- Confronting the forthcoming reforms of England’s student loan system: graduate perspectives
- The public (good) of higher education: A lexical-based comparison of the Chinese and Anglo-American approaches
- Exploring school and teacher “effectiveness” in Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, India
- A Half Century of Progress in US Student Achievement: Agency and Flynn Effects, Ethnic and SES Differences
- Handling and modelling intensive longitudinal data
- Introduction to Natural Language Processing in Education and applications for formative assessment
- ‘Working out’ the relationship between informal language contact and phrasal verb development of international students in the UK.
- Learning to Read the Complex Manchu Writing System: A Mixed Methods Study of Novice Learners in a Chinese University
- L2 development and use of English grammatical morphemes: Insights from learner corpora
- Multiliteracy development as identity work
- The Surprising Importance of Early Math
- PGCE Course Open Evening
- Microcredentials: New phase and face of higher education?
- Flexible Learning Pathways in Higher Education: a UNESCO project
- Pandemia: The personal and professional costs of universities’ response to COVID-19
- Ambitious and Anxious: How Chinese College Students Succeed and Struggle in American Higher Education
- Influences on and dimensions of English university governing body roles
- Inward student mobility and the transformations of higher education systems in France and the UK since the 1920s
- The Business of Ranking, Publishing, and Data Analytics
- CGHE series on The Critical Economics of Higher Education – webinar 4: Agency, purposeful work, and economic change: reconceptualising the relationship between HE and the economy
- CGHE series on The Critical Economics of Higher Education – webinar 3: What is the appropriate higher education finance model for sub-Saharan Africa?
- CGHE series on The Critical Economics of Higher Education – webinar 2: Regulating the teacher: is there any alternative to regulation?
- CGHE series on The Critical Economics of Higher Education – webinar 1: Challenging the Skills Fetish
- Changing Higher Education in East Asia: A CGHE Book Symposium
- Graduate Outcomes in UK Transnational Higher Education: a Case Study of the United Arab Emirates
- Advanced Quantitative Methods Summer School – 8 courses available
- Decolonising Curriculum in Schools: Change and Challenges
- Students’ Ongoing Research in Education Studies (STORIES) Conference 2022
- Mapping the political economy of digital technology in Higher Education during Covid-19
- English higher education reworked: what are the likely outcomes of the Government’s new student loan and tertiary participation package?
- Does university prestige lead to discrimination in the labour market? Evidence from a labour market field experiment in three countries
- Africa-China and China-Africa: From knowledge diplomacy to research training
- Teaching problem-solving strategies in school mathematics
- The importance of the human person at the heart of scientific investigation
- Privateers: four hundred years of Chilean universities (1622-2022)
- The Normal University as a Distinctive Chinese Model in the 21st Century
- CGHE Annual Conference, 24-25 May 2022
- Liberal Arts in the universities of Greater China: Current Models and the Historical Legacy
- From newspaper supplement to data company: Tracking rhetorical change in the Times Higher Education’s rankings coverage
- Thinking through tianxia: A new/old heuristic for worldwide higher education
- Higher education as student self-formation
- Is ‘global’ higher education a friend or a foe?
- Documentation of education response in Turkey during the COVID-19 pandemic and its effects on children’s access to and retention in education
- Sources of developmental language and literacy difficulties
- The social and cognitive foundations of language acquisition
- Are earlier interventions better? Evidence from the field of parenting interventions
- Child as a learner: creative pedagogies
- What is a Child?
- Child on the edge: plight of children in fragile and conflict states
- Child in the wild: children in the digitising/digitised world
- The UNCRC: roles and effectiveness
- Patterns and Dynamics in the International Research Collaborations: A Case of China-UK Collaboration Ties in Education Studies
- ‘Do You Know a Few Words?’: Towards a Framework for Understanding Translanguaging and Dialogic Interaction in Primary Education
- Considerations for the Assessment of Second-Language Learners at Risk of Dyslexia using MABEL – A Multilingual Literacy Assessment Tool
- Investigating L2 vocabulary learning from multimodal input
- The Q-BEx project: Creating an optimized and customizable tool to document language experiences of bi/trilingual children
- “Week-to-week interplay between teachers’ motivating style and students’ engagement.”
- The teacher’s invisible hand: A meta-analysis of the relevance of teacher–student relationship quality for peer relationships and the contribution of student behavior.
- “Teacher-student relations at different timescales from an interpersonal perspective”
- “Alexa, How Do You Change Us?” Exploring associations between children’s exposure to digital voice assistants and their ontological understandings of (human) life and technology
- Investigating how ethnic school segregation shifts between each stage of England’s school admission system, and how such patterns could differ in seven simulated admissions systems
- Ability-grouping and problem behavior trajectories in childhood and adolescence: Results from a U.K. population-based sample
- Using an intraindividual intervention design to uncover hidden dynamics in the effects of a psychological intervention
- “Warning students of the consequences of examination failure: An effective strategy for promoting student engagement?”
- Bankers in the Ivory Tower: The Troubling Rise of Financiers in US Higher Education
- Cosmopolitan agency and meaningful intercultural interactions between international and domestic students: An ecological conceptualisation
- Students as global citizens
- Internationalisation and global citizenship in higher education
- Institutional logics analysis in higher education research
- Retreat or Resolution? Tackling the Crisis of Mass Higher Education
- Regulating fair access to higher education in England 2006-2021
- STEM Discussion Group: Science Teacher Education as Emancipatory Practices: for epistemic and social justice
- PGCE Online Subject Meet: History
- The journey to becoming attachment and trauma aware: exploring the experiences of five schools prior to the COVID-19 pandemic
- PGCE Online Subject Meet: Science
- PGCE Online Subject Meet: Religious Education
- PGCE Online Subject Meet: Modern Languages
- PGCE Online Subject Meet: Mathematics
- PGCE Online Subject Meet: Geography
- PGCE Online Subject Meet: English
- Knowledge, Expertise and Policy in the Exams crisis in England (Nov 21)
- Understanding Persistent Absence from School
- STEM Discussion Group
- Understanding context and building pathways: An evaluation of the International Baccalaureate’s Career Programme implementation in Kent, UK
- Mathematics Teacher Decision Making: Its meaning under different theoretical lenses
- STEM Discussion Group Meeting
- Are earlier interventions better? Evidence from the field of parenting interventions
- How does culture impact children’s understanding of emotions?
- Babies and toddlers in lockdown and beyond: the impacts of variation in the home environment during the pandemic on children’s executive function development
- Teachers’ perspectives on bullying in schools: A comparative mixed methods study in England and the United States
- The role of linguistic input in language learning and processing
- Global mapping of English as a medium of instruction in higher education: 2020 and beyond
- The contribution of L2 decoding proficiency to L2 reading comprehension: Evidence from adult ESL learners
- Statistical and explicit learning of graphotactic patterns with no phonological counterpart: Evidence from artificial lexicon studies with 6– to 7-year-olds and adults
- Understanding How Groups Think: Exploring the Theoretical and Empirical Potential of Epistemic Network Analysis
- Investigating What It Takes to Improve the Quality of Mathematics Teaching and Learning on a Large Scale
- Coloniality as a Frame of Understanding: Interventional Politics in the Privatisation of Bangladeshi Higher Education
- A Turning Point for Chinese Higher Education: Developing hybrid education at Tsinghua University
- Migrating through university: International students’ migration journeys in the UK and Japan
- From theory to application and back again: the interplay between research in higher education and engineering education
- Do merger policies increase universities’ efficiency?
- Culture clash and identity loss: University mergers in Russia
- Building Halos: how do Chinese elites seek distinction through (mis) recognising studying abroad?
- The Effects of Pay Decentralisation on Teachers’ Pay and Teacher Retention
- Pathways into further education and work for care-experienced young people in England.
- Can molecular genetics be useful for education research and policy?
- School mobility in England: Mobility rates, pupil characteristics and academic achievement.
- Hard and soft choices? ‘A’ level subject selection by schools and students
- Matching in the dark? Inequalities in student to degree match
- Investigating Alternate Provision.
- Ethnic segregation in English schools: A study of non-decision making.
- PGCE Open Evening – February 2022
- Train to Teach – Reading
- PGCE Open Evening – 2021
- Train to Teach – London
- University of Oxford Careers Fair
- A less attractive UK higher education to EU students? An unprecedented challenge yet a predictable Brexit fallout
- 2022/23 PGCE Applications Open Event
- Cosmopolitan agency and meaningful intercultural interactions between international and domestic students: An ecological conceptualisation
- Internationalisation and global citizenship in higher education
- Students’ Experiences of Teaching and Learning Reforms in Vietnamese Higher Education
- Internationalization of curriculum in English-medium instruction programs at Japanese universities: evolutions in pedagogy in the era of the ‘New Normal’
- Supporting higher education in unstable states: Can foreign contributions ever deliver?
- Renegotiating the Public Good: Education Policy Responses to Covid-19 in England, Germany and Italy
- Overview of Education In Africa: How the Implementation of the CESA And SDG4 Agendas is Progressing?
- At The Crossroads: Rethinking the Role of Education in Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism
- Social Distance, Teachers’ Beliefs and Teaching Practices in a Context of Social Disadvantage: Evidence from India and Pakistan
- Methods and Findings from OECD’s Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) Video Study of Teaching
- Environmental shocks and higher education: How did an earthquake and air pollution influence college access and graduate mobility?
- What do ethical practices with international students look like?
- Towards ‘Decolonizing’ Curriculum and Pedagogy (DCP) across Disciplines and Global Higher Education Contexts: A Critical Synthesis
- On Decentralizing: epistemic authority beyond the centers of knowledge production
- Race, Nativity, and Identity: Engaging an Equity-Driven Approach to International Research
- Colonial legacies in “academic quality” structures: A missing component in the decolonization debate?
- Learning Whiteness: material, epistemic and affective relations of Higher Education
- Dismantling the Colonial University: Defiant Scholarship & Decolonial Thought in Africa
- Affirmative action and transformation in South African Higher Education
- Racism and Coloniality in Global Higher Education
- Pathways to research-policy dialogues: What can we learn from national and international collaborations?
- Unpacking agentic capital in employability of international graduates
- Stability and change in academic work and departments
- Transitions and change for care-experienced young people in school
- How does research influence educational policy? Insights from Oxford researchers with successful policy engagement and impact in the UK
- Access can be affordable: Ensuring a sustainable tuition loans system in England
- Palestinian Arab Education in the Israeli Settler State: A Critical Analysis from the Standpoint of a ‘Present Absentee’
- The rise and rise of research in China: what does it mean for China and the world?
- Academic Boundaries and the Impact Agenda for Academic Research
- Globalizing as World-Class Universities’ Special Function or Unique Mission
- What do students do in higher education? Researching higher education as students’ academic self-formation
- Whiteness as Futurity and Globalization of Higher Education
- “This could be the turning point”: rethinking times and spaces of academic work as a result of Covid-19
- Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education
- How do international faculty at Japanese universities view their integration?
- The New Geopolitics of International Higher Education
- The Origins and Evolution of Academic Drift at the California State University, 1960-2005
- The Globalization of Science: The Increasing Power of Individual Scientists?
- Academic capitalism, privatization and five decades of misguided federal higher education funding priorities and policies in the United States
- European Higher Education systems under austerity, addressing the pressures of equity promotion and capacity for high-skill formation policies: the cases of Portugal and the Netherlands
- China’s Young Talents Programs. How do returnees perform?
- The Girton/Newnham Debate: Two Ideas of Equality in 19th Century Women’s Higher Education
- Reviewing the evidence for the effectiveness of school-based attachment and trauma informed interventions
- ‘From international in-person studies to remote video data collection: Conducting classroom-based research in a pandemic’
- Decolonising the curriculum?
- Two DPhil studies in Mathematics and Science Education
- Diaspora and Internationalisation in Higher Education
- Mapping graduate employability and career development in higher education research
- ‘What are inclusive pedagogies in higher education?’
- ‘Making space for refugee education: routes towards meaningful inclusion for refugee teenagers in England’
- Child Protection during the Perinatal Period: Innovation in Assessment and Practice
- ‘Self-efficacy in mathematics education: Addressing issues revolving around the concept and its treatment, by utilising two different methodological approaches’
- ‘Little words – large difference’
- Workforce quality in early years interventions: evidence from a large-scale home visiting programme
- The causal effects of education on adult health, mortality and income: Evidence from Mendelian randomization and the raising of the school leaving age
- Using video to assess preschool teachers’ pedagogical knowledge: Explicit and higher-order knowledge predicts quality.
- The intergenerational transmission of language skill
- School closures and children’s emotional and behaviour difficulties
- Yidan Prize Conference Series: Europe 2021 – Speakers’ Bios
- Stratified Space: Compromises and Commitments in University Estates
- CGHE Annual Conference 2021: Remaking higher education for a more equal world
- Self-formation in international higher education: Evidence from Turkish international students
- The Cinderella Syndrome: revisiting Access and Widening Participation in Higher Education
- ‘Pedagogy to engage and challenge all learners’ – Professor Janette Bobis
- Applied Linguistics Lunchtime Seminar Series: Prof. Holger Hopp, Dr Jenny Jakisch & Sarah Sturm
- Applied Linguistics Lunchtime Seminar Series: Professor Jenni Rodd
- Applied Linguistics Lunchtime Seminar Series: Professor Ianthi M. Tsimpli
- Applied Linguistics Lunchtime Seminar Series: Dr Bene Bassetti
- Global Public Seminars in Comparative and International Education
- ‘A comparison of the transition of returning scholars to domestic research environments in Kazakhstan, Malaysia and Cambodia’
- ‘Governing education by partnership: the GPE in the context of other sectors’ global financing partnerships’
- ‘Why did policymakers in India and Mexico adopt the Germanic model of dual apprenticeships?’
- ”Equal’ Transnational Partnerships in Higher Education: Sino-Foreign Case Studies’
- ‘Breaking Gender, Sex and Sexuality Borders: The Case of Comprehensive Sexuality Education in South Africa’
- ‘Global Middle-Class families – comparative study of travel trajectories and imagined futures’
- Advanced Quantitative Methods Summer School 2021 (thank you for your interest, it is now fully booked)
- Universities in Medialand: A special webinar on the public discussion of higher education and research
- The China question: Managing risks and maximising benefits from partnership in higher education and research
- Navigating the labour markets: International graduates need more than credentials
- Project Calibrate Final Dissemination Event
- ‘Education Cities’ to Transnational Education Zones
- From a rebel to consumer and now a digital user: the changing role of students in British university governance
- What’s Spanish for development? Chilean higher education at an impasse
- Tackling corruption in the university: fraud prevention, market making and the Big Four
- Widening participation in higher education in the Covid-19 age: more urgent but more difficult
- Elite journals, publishing as prestige-generation, and implications for academic careers
- Why are US universities so good?
- Fear of the academic fake? Science and the discourse of predatory publishing
- Navigational Capacities for Unknowable Futures: What Refugee Students Wish Their Teachers Knew
- Developing school relationship policies: Experiences from primary and secondary schools
- Education in Africa: Are all children learning, and learning fast enough?
- Eurasian relations in higher education in the context of the fast moving world scene
- Whither the Academic Profession?
- Decolonising the Latin American universities
- A new era of Sino-US relations for university systems?
- Hegemony and inequality in global science: Problems of the centre-periphery model
- Universities and research in Australia in the Covid-19 crisis: Is down under going under?
- Transitions from care to adulthood: persistent issues across time and place
- Play, Agency, Executive Functions and Self-regulation in Early Years Education
- Learning to Write: From XOXO to Love you
- Teaching children to read: Phonology, morphology, and ‘mental flexibility’ as drivers of measurable change
- Understanding the social classroom: the foundation of effective pedagogy in cultural context?
- What is ‘higher education studies’ and what are its uses? A panel session
- Do we still need a ‘monolingual standard’ in research on bilingualism?
- Minimal vocabulary tests
- Can and should assessment nurture an orientation to society and social justice?
- Rethinking global common goods in higher education through the Chinese concept of tianxia weigong
- European higher education students: contested constructions
- Language use in multilingual families in the UK and Ireland during the COVID-19 pandemic
- Practitioner researchers and academic researchers can do better together
- The Nature of Executive Control Processes in Bilingual Children: Cross-Cultural Perspectives
- The right to opt-out or not: the legal right of withdrawal from religious education in Norway
- ’The European court of human rights’ judgements and compulsory religious education in Turkey’
- The end of the opt-out era in Belgian state schools
- Religious education before the European court of human rights: the opt-out clause does not suffice anymore
- Using exploratory structural equation modelling to examine the writing beliefs of UK university students with and without dyslexia.
- Interpersonal behaviour and physiological arousal (heartrate) in teachers
- Linking teacher efficacy and professional responsibility with teachers’ motivating styles and student engagement
- Measuring student motivation in Rwanda: development and validation of a self-report instrument
- Academic help-seeking interactions in primary school classrooms: A micro-longitudinal study
- A research agenda on heterogeneity in students’ perceptions of teaching quality
- A Bayesian Rate Ratio effect size to quantify intervention effects for count data in single case experimental research
- Investigating the centrality of female and immigrant students within teacher-student interaction networks in Chile
- Universities and Research Institutes Powering Global Mega-Science: Germany’s Dual Pillars of Science Production
- ‘Race’, ethnicity, cultural capital, and lived experience in international higher education
- Rethinking merit in pursuit of fairer admission to universities in England
- Navigating timescapes and faculty life in the urban Global South: Bangladeshi faculty perspectives
- Why are Learning and Teaching Mathematics so Difficult?
- Yidan Prize Conference Series: Europe 2021
- 1st International Yidan Prize Doctoral Conference
- The impact of attachment and trauma awareness training: pre-COVID-19 results from 24 primary schools
- Do Contemporary Societies Need Universities? Notes on Higher Education After the Knowledge Economy
- Hong Kong universities: navigating in unknown waters
- The view from the other side: How domestic students make sense of internationalisation of Malaysian higher education
- How has the perception of public good of HE changed in post-war Japan?
- Higher education and the hopes of the world: The next three years of CGHE research
- Transforming the nation or transformed by the market? Latin American public university, obstacles and challenges
- Virtual Train to Teach Guildford event
- Leading an Attachment Aware Schools programme: the local authority experience of supporting a nurturing learning community
- Out of the Brexit frying pan and into the Pandemic fire – Tough times in UK higher education
- Speaking of gender: visibility in doing mathematics
- Man-Woman Collaboration Patterns in Science: Lessons from a Study of 25,000 University Professors
- Putting the university to work: technology-mediated extraction of land and labour from UK universities
- The secret life of international student recruitment agents
- Teaching practices in a global learning environment: A CGHE Book Symposium
- Refugees and higher education: Trans-national perspectives on access, equity, and internationalization – Book Symposium
- Ableism in Academia: Theorising Experiences of Disabilities and Chronic Illnesses in Higher Education – Book Symposium
- Knowledge network or hegemonic hierarchy? Dynamism and power in global science
- University Research Capacity in Post-Soviet Countries: Case Studies of Armenia, Kazakhstan, and Russia
- A Big Picture: Bibliometric Study of the Quantity, Quality, and Impact of Academic Publications from Post-Soviet Countries
- How does attention play a role in learning? Trajectories, mechanisms and risk factors
- Empowering staff to enhance language in the early years
- Using educational technology to address the global learning crisis: a scalable and sustainable solution?
- Setting the foundations for the development of mathematics achievement
- Bringing together meta-analysis and structural equation modelling: Testing models and hypotheses in education across studies
- Teacher well-being in Taiwan: from real-time experience in class to general well-being
- CANCELLED: Multilevel mediation analysis with applications to school effectiveness research
- College Now…or Later: Measuring the Effects of Dual Enrolment on College Access
- Ethnic school segregation in England: measurement, change and prediction
- No two universities can ever be the same – the infinite variety of the student experience
- From internationalisation to global engagement: the evolution of UK university international strategies over the past 30-years
- Beds, Bricks and Higher Education: The past, present and future of student accommodation in England
- Mapping pedagogic practices for and with international students
- Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on International Higher Education and Student Mobility: Student Perspectives from Mainland China and Hong Kong
- A brilliant history: The first rise of the university form in India, 6th Century BCE to 12th Century CE
- Neoliberalism and For-Profit Universities: The Case of Laureate International
- Surviving a crisis: Resilience, adaptation, and transformation in higher education after the collapse of the Soviet Union
- Higher education in a momentous US election year: Racism, the pandemic, science, democracy and the public good
- Pedagogy-informed design of learning at scale
- The rise of China in global science
- TALIS Video Study: Findings and implications for mathematics teaching in England
- Critical lessons for future practice and policy concerning exclusion from school
- The role of input variability in language learning and generalization: Evidence from language training studies with child learners
- Graduate employability, employment and skills in the Covid-19 labour market
- RESCHEDULED: What ILSAs say or fail to say about the Spanish education system: why all the fuss?
- Care in mathematics education: tending the fire
- CGHE BOOK LAUNCH: Changing Higher Education for a Changing World Copy
- Higher education and Covid-19 in Australia: What does the pandemic mean for a well-run sector which had one third international students in 2019?
- CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar panel: Higher education and sustainability Copy
- Higher education and the pandemic in East and Southeast Asia: Are there models here for the rest of the world?
- Early Career Teachers’ Professional Development Day – Cancelled
- What is school really like for children in care?
- What does ‘employability’ mean amid global pandemic and recession? Covid-19, higher education and the graduate labour market
- PANEL: The global geopolitics of science
- PANEL: Covid-19 and the politics of tuition
- COVID and the recruitment of Chinese international students: Reflections from education agents in China
- Can we widen participation in higher education during the Covid-19 pandemic?
- PANEL: The pandemic and the future of university education
- CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar: The public good of higher education
- CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar: Graduates and graduateness
- No One Can See Me Cry: Understanding Mental Health Issues for BAME Academics, Professional Staff and Students in Higher Education
- CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar: Governing public and private higher education in UK and beyond
- CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar: Academic work and careers online and offline
- Excluded Lives virtual session: ‘School exclusion after COVID – 19’
- CGHE 2020 Annual Conference webinar: Public good in higher education across international boundaries
- A multi-layered, context-sensitive approach to exploring languages teachers’ professional learning
- The new power university: Rediscovering the public purpose of higher education in times of uncertainty
- Engineering Mobility: An ethnographic study of how social media platforms are mediating transnational student mobility from India
- Asserting the nation: the dominance of national narratives in policymakers’ constructions of higher education students
- WEBINAR PANEL — Global research in the Covid-19 pandemic
- WEBINAR PANEL — Does Covid-19 Mean the End of International Education as We Know It
- Webinar Panel: Higher Education in the Plague Year: The transformative effects of the Covid-19 pandemic
- Can we rank universities based on principles of fairness and equity? And if so, should we?
- Decision Making by UK University Leaders in Uncertain Times
- Understanding the relationship between the use of care and care proceedings
- Cancelled: Short STORIES Symposium 2020
- Unbalanced and Balance Reasoning: a study in design of task-sequences to introduce underlying principles
- Science Teacher Education in the Twenty-First Century: A Pedagogical Framework for Technology-Integrated Social Constructivism
- Trust and Climate Change: Information for Teaching in a Digital Age
- Between the public good and the common good. Consequences for the complex assemblage of the state, the social and the higher education in Poland
- The Study Abroad and Language Acquisition (SALA) project: An overview
- Postponed: Cultural and contextual variation in scaffolding for self-regulation at home and at school
- Postponed: Teacher-Student Dialogue in Classrooms: What Really Matters for Positive Student Outcomes
- Exclusion and Mental health: exploring the role of improved provision in schools
- More than Skills: Promoting MFL leaning in depth and width in England and China.
- Cancelled: Advanced Quantitative Methods Summer School, 2020
- Inclusion, exclusion and the disabling of mathematics learners
- Postponed: Promoting Infants’ language development in socio-economically diverse populations
- From novice to expert: A critical evaluation of direct instruction
- Law and Exclusion from School
- Postponed: How does attention play a role in learning? Trajectories, mechanisms and risk factors
- Move2Learn: Exploring how young children’s communication of science is shaped by their sensorimotor experiences
- Fostering young children’s self-regulation development: the Children Articulating Thinking (ChAT) project
- Parents Poverty and the State, twenty years of evolving family policy.
- Analogies in the mind and in the classroom: Translating the cognitive science of analogical learning into science education practice
- The cognitive foundations of children’s mathematics achievement
- Practitioner researchers and academic researchers can do better together
- Research Perspectives on Integrating Language and Content
- Enhancing learners’ production ability: oral presentation and academic writing skills for globalizing process of university education
- The bilingual cognitive advantage debate: Publication bias and other challenges when interpreting the literature
- SKOPE Annual Lecture: Education, Skills and Work in the Fourth Industrial Revolution
- From Inclusion To Exclusion From School: Transforming The Lives Of Young People With Special Educational Needs And Disabilities?
- Alternative Provision and School Exclusions
- Behaviour and attitudes in the Education Inspection Framework
- Differences in Rates of School Exclusions in the Four Jurisdictions of the UK
- SEM and model fit: What to do when traditional model fit indices are unavailable and strategies towards publication of peer-review papers
- The macro and the micro – measuring motivation and engagement in the language classroom
- Evaluation of adaptive feedback in a smartphone-based serious game on health care providers’ knowledge gain in neonatal emergency care: A randomised experiment
- Public goods and public universities in Chile: between the State and the market’s omnipresence
- What we know about memory and how we can use that knowledge effectively in education
- The Effect Of Embedding Formative Assessment On Pupil Attainment
- Salivary Cortisol In Stress Research In Education – Considerations, Pitfalls And Promises From The Teacher And Student Stress And Interaction In Classroom Study
- Insights from sleep diaries and wearable sensors: The relationship between trauma-exposure and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), with sleep and physiological arousal
- The Role Of Within-Class Consensus On Classroom Climate Constructs In The Context Of Multi-Level (Structural Equation) Modelling
- The Effect Of A Growth Mindset On Mastery Goal Orientation, Cognitive Load And Learning Performance: An Experimental Study
- Cancelled: Early Career Teachers’ Professional Development Forum
- Dissertation Presentation by placement students
- Cancelled: What does excellent primary teaching look like? An evidence-based seminar on primary education
- Inaugural Lectures
- Cancelled – RE past, present and future: insights from oral history
- Christians in Higher Education
- Between safeguarding and securitisation: Perspectives on the future of higher education under the Prevent duty
- Building Resilience for Young People in Your School
- Summative Assessment for Practical Science: From Cookbook Approaches to Mindful Exploration
- She gets engrossed in a dreamy way: Language, literacy and books at home – Postponed
- An introduction to Vygotsky
- Train to Teach – Oxford
- Train to Teach – London
- Train to Teach – Reading
- Cancelled: PGCE Open Evening
- PGCE Open Evening
- PGCE Open Evening
- Identities and Resilience in Times of Enhanced Nationalisms: Perspectives from Finland and the UK
- Cancelled -The challenges of supporting children’s language development in the early years
- Cancelled – Using educational technology to address the global learning crisis: a scalable and sustainable solution?
- Language abilities and false-belief reasoning in 2- to 4-year-old children
- The effect of Physical Education lessons on classroom behaviour at Key Stage 2
- Spatial cognition and science learning in the primary school years.
- Navigation and the spatial domain; a cross-syndrome comparison of Down Syndrome and Williams Syndrome.
- Using vignettes in mathematics education teacher training programmes and research
- Cook’s Endeavour as a “death ship”: Why it is hard to teach New Zealand’s sensitive histories of colonisation
- Department of Education Annual Poster Conference 2019
- CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 3: International mobility and comparative education
- CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 1: International development in higher education
- Geography Educators of Oxfordshire Group
- Permanently Progressing? Building secure futures for children in Scotland
- The London effect: A Local Authority reflection on its origins and sustainability
- Rescuing the Families and Schools Together (FAST) randomised controlled trial from high attrition
- Determinants of private school participation: all about the money?
- Collective Protest and Elite Colleges: The U.S. Anti-War Movement in the 1960s
- Ethnic disproportionality in the identification of Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) Needs: A national longitudinal cohort age 5-11.
- Modern Modelling: Guidelines for Best Practice and Useful Innovations
- CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 2: The global and the post-colonial
- CGHE series on international and global higher education – seminar 4: Similarities and differences
- Estimating the effects of a teacher classroom management programme through multilevel meta-analysis
- Collaborative peer mentoring in preservice teachers’ professional experience
- The Boxes of Belonging: Refugees, Education, and our Collective Future
- Principles of vocabulary teaching
- The core vocabulary in academic spoken English: Insights from corpora
- An attitudinal study of English language learners toward English in a Japanese context
- Language and literacy interventions for children with English as an additional language: A systematic review of the evidence.
- Pursuing university education in a foreign language: How difficult could it be?
- Artificial Intelligence and social relations in schools: who are the ‘digital winners’?
- The influence of Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) on children’s cognitive and socio-emotional outcomes at age 5 to 6
- Argument, evidence and continuity in the Augar report
- Integrating and augmenting tertiary education students’ experiences in workplace settings
- Re and de-contextualising Global Citizenship Education – systematic analysis of the scholarship in the field
- Poverty Matters: family income, parenting and child outcomes
- Book launch special event: The Governance of British Higher Education
- Rees Centre Annual Lecture 2019: School Exclusions
- Launch of the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2021 Mathematics Frameworks
- Oxford Education Deanery Research Meet
- Opening of ‘Our Oxford’ Photo Exhibition
- The Why is more important than the What: The concept of ‘mindframes’ as an integrative model for professionalization in teaching
- How can public schools educate whole students? Lessons from the Harvard Global Education Innovation Initiative
- Conducting Case Studies as an Insider Researcher: Not for the Faint-Hearted!
- The quality of early learning environments and early child development: Observations from diverse Asian contexts
- Insider/ outsider status when conducting research: a panel event
- Conducting phone interviews: the pros and cons.
- Informal Historical Learning – Ethnographical Research in Children’s Play Spaces
- Challenging the boundaries of the family: Empirical work and methodological challenges of research on same-sex families in China
- Learning to do Foucauldian Critical Discourse Analysis by doing
- Church universities: historical legacy or current reality?
- Early childhood policy and preschool quality: Lessons from diverse Chinese contexts
- Development of student achievement and motivation during lower secondary school – A multilevel pattern-centered analysis of student and classroom differences in Finland
- Academic impact practices and university impact strategies: a typology
- Oxford History Teachers Network
- Engagement and motivation in informal second language learning
- Exploring the development and cross-linguistic transfer of writing strategies between foreign language and first language classrooms
- Investigating Multilingual Adolescents’ Cognitive and Codeswitching Performance: An Exploratory Application of Language Control Models
- The elusive top rung of the language proficiency ladder: Why pro-/ anti-/ post- and a-native-speakerist views fail to measure up
- Understanding and addressing low attainment in lower secondary mathematics
- What can(’t) we learn from lesson observation?
- Understanding inequalities in education using large datasets
- A Practical Guide to Performing Meta-analyses in Educational Research
- Two Studies of the Rating Process
- Opportunity Begets Merit: Mobility and Heritability in Education
- EARLI EFG Physical Activity and Rest Conference
- Building Research Capacity in Teacher Education
- What Are Teachers’ Professional Competencies?
- The Connections and Disconnections in Teacher Education Policy, Research and Practice: Future research directions
- Comparative teacher education research: Global perspectives in teacher education past, present and future
- Making change happen – the reform of initial teacher education in Wales
- Classroom-based Interventions Across Subject Areas: Research to Understand What Works in Education
- EMI Symposium 2019: Where does EMI take us? Global perspectives and local realities
- Deep Learning in the Disciplines: A focus on Science and Religious Education
- Deep Learning in the Disciplines: A focus on Geography, History, and Modern Foreign Languages
- Deep Learning in the Disciplines: A focus on Mathematics and English
- Care-experienced students in higher education: how they get there and how they get on
- Developing Reading – BAAL LKALE SIG Annual Meeting
- The semiotic pedagogies of the European Court of Human Rights: hijab and crucifixes
- The complexities of enabling research-active teachers: creating conditions for professional enquiry
- Examining teachers’ use of research use and the role of social relationships and school leadership in making research informed practice a reality
- Expansion of Higher Education in China for Two Decades: Critical Reflections from Comparative Perspectives
- PGCE Open Evening
- Advanced Quantitative Methods Summer School 2019
- Studio Schools and Marketization: developing employability skills in a competitive educational market
- Qualitative Meta-Synthesis of Case Studies
- OES Annual Lecture 2019: The Quest for Better Teaching
- ISOTIS Qualitative biographical study: concept, method, analysis
- Qualitative methods within mixed-methods research design in educational research
- Conducting phone interviews: the pros and cons.
- Oral histories: the gender history of the dyslexia ‘myth’
- Looking for and applying for an internship at an international organisation – the UN
- The strengths and limitations of using design thinking tools for participatory research and action: examples from public service design in India, Madagascar, and the US
- Metaphorising and enaction in the learning of mathematics
- Higher education reforms and international collaboration in Latin America: a decolonial perspective
- A dialogic book-sharing intervention for parents of young children: evidence from South Africa and the UK
- Space for Mathematics: Spatial cognition as a contributor to the development of mathematics skills in children
- Assessing Early Development: The Monitoring and Observation for Development of Early Learning (MODEL) Approach
- Pupil experiences of a 10 week classroom based mindfulness informed program.
- Sure Start, its origins, national evaluation and current status
- The child in the mother’s mind: Mothers’ Object Relations Scales
- Academic Outcomes Among Children and Adolescents: The Role of Psychosocial Capacities
- The Child’s Pantheon: Children’s Hierarchical Belief Structure in Real and Non-Real figures
- Centre for Educational Assessment 2019 Annual Conference
- Challenging higher education: Centre for Global Higher Education 2019 Annual Conference
- Rethinking Teacher Education: The Trouble with Accountability
- A rational approach to evidence-based decision making in education policy
- Teachers’ professional development on summative assessment of practical science: Perspectives from Project Calibrate
- Student Access to Colleges at the University of Oxford
- Admissions testing preparation effects
- Access and participation at postgraduate level: research findings and their implications for policy and practice
- Access and participation in English HE: a fair and equal opportunity for all?
- Promoting fairer access to higher education: the necessity of contextualised admissions
- Train to Teach – Milton Keynes
- Train to Teach – Slough
- Intraindividual variation in students’ motivation and emotion – Methodological approaches for analysing experience sampling datasets
- Modelling motivation and engagement in informal language learning
- Analysis of quantity and quality of movement in adolescents
- How is interest different from money?
- Neighbourhood-level air pollution and greenspace and inflammation in adults
- *CANCELLED* What can(’t) we learn from lesson observation?
- Employing person-centred analyses to identify profiles among students and teachers and links with important outcomes
- Physical education and on-task behaviour
- STORIES 2019 Inclusivity: Mental Health, Access and Accountability
- The effects of teaching phonics and reading strategies in L2 French: an experimental trial in UK secondary schools
- Teaching Children with English as an Additional Language (EAL): what teachers say they think and do
- Evaluating early language interventions: going from practice to research and back
- Language and literacy development in children learning English as an additional language in primary school.
- Teachers’ Perspectives on Bullying: A Comparative Mixed Methods Study in England and the United States
- Now that you don’t have to be perfect, you can be good: the use of ‘good’ in ITE mentor meetings
- Shakespeare’s Survey: What Shakespeare plays get taught and how in UK Secondary Schools?
- Human Capital, Child Well-Being and Child Protection
- On the border between educational studies and anthropology: an ethnographic study of Arab immigrant mothers in Italy
- Teachers’ Action Research Presentation Event
- The use of visual methods to engage with and elicit information from children in care
- When research hits close to home – Doing fieldwork in places and with people we care about
- How to choose a theory: theory and conceptual frameworks in qualitative research
- 2017 Oxford Education Society Annual Lecture and a celebration of the life of Jerome Bruner
- 2016 Oxford Education Society Annual Lecture
- 2015 Oxford Education Society Annual Lecture
- 2014 Oxford Education Society Annual Lecture
- 2013 Oxford Education Society Annual Lecture
- 2012 Oxford Education Society Annual Lecture
- 2011 Oxford Education Society Annual Lecture
- Language teachers’ first and second language use: a comparative contextualised study
- What do political developments in China mean for university autonomy and academic freedom? A panel discussion
- Investigating the relationship between curriculum reform and changes in teachers’ beliefs and practices: a mixed methods exploration of the impact of introducing a historical thinking curriculum in Austria
- Ethics and emotions: handling disclosures and other awkward moments in the group intervention setting
- Reflections on the differences in biographical methods in the social sciences and the humanities
- “Where are you from?”: Researching about diversity as both an insider and outsider in Indonesia
- Working as a non-indigenous researcher with Kaupapa Maori methodology
- PGCE Open Evening
- PGCE Open Evening
- Train to Teach Event (Oxford)
- Train to Teach Event (Reading)
- The intellectual frame of philosophy, literature and education: Defining a practice, mapping a field
- Counter-extremism, institutional chaos and education: A post-historical perspective
- Welcoming and othering- civic immigrant education in Germany and the United Kingdom
- Rasch Measurement Theory Workshop
- Early Career Teachers’ Conference
- Identify in Organisations
- Te Poutama Ngā Pou te Ako: Using an explicit mediation tool to facilitate secondary teacher candidates’ identity development as culturally responsive teachers
- An Introduction to Vygotsky
- Quality and Inequality: comparing experiences in early years provision
- Presentation of MSc Child Development Education dissertations
- Improving literacy by teaching morphemes
- Textbook transformation: Issues and challenges in crossing the boundaries
- Solving word analogy problems by constructing linear algebra programmes
- Longitudinal care histories of children in England: analysis of administrative data
- Modelling the relationships between teacher working conditions, job satisfaction and desire to move schools
- The procedural learning deficit hypothesis of language learning disorders: we see some problems
- An introduction to Bayesian structural equation modelling
- Understanding school social environments through Social Network Analysis
- Educational attainment of White Working Class students
- Measuring financial literacy and its correlates: A study of fifteen-year-olds in Oxfordshire and Greater London
- Bullshitters: Who are they and what do we know about their lives?
- SKOPE Annual Lecture 2019 – ‘University Blues: The Reform of Higher Education’
- SKOPE Graduate Conference 2019
- The Prospects for Skills and Employment in an Age of Digital Disruption: A Cautionary Note
- Investigating Bilingualism and Bilingual Developmental Language Disorder (DLD) from a Complex Dynamic Systems perspective
- Attentional processing of different types of target language input, the amount of input learners need and the role of working memory in processing input
- Translanguaging: What challenges does it address and pose?
- Orthographic transparency, language impairment and creative thinking
- The Power of Multilingual Teaching
- Community-based learning in Initial Teacher Education: Countering deficit theorizing and enabling bicultural/intercultural competence
- Preparing Pre-service Teachers for Family-School Partnerships
- Trends in global higher education
- Reading in England and Beyond; Teacher Event on the Results of the Progress in International Reading
- Predicting language proficiency in bilingual children
- What is the future for subject-based education research?
- Causal models of developmental disorders
- The New Silk Road: implications for higher education and research cooperation between China and Europe
- Equity and Quality of Education: Paradoxes from Hong Kong and Singapore
- What is Wrong with Cronbach’s Alpha and What to Use Instead
- Intraindividual research in education
- 2018 Colloquium on Writers and their Education
- The age-eclipsing effects of environment and input on L2 attainment in instructional contexts
- Evidence-informed inspection? Research at Ofsted.
- 2018 Research Poster Conference
- Low-SES students in science education
- Random Inequity in School Mathematics Education: an insurmountable problem?
- Students’ Perceptions of Democracy, Politics, and Citizenship Preparation in Upper Secondary Social studies
- Discerning in and between theories in mathematics education
- Learning algorithms in doctoral science research
- Exploring the dynamics within the triad of beliefs, knowledge and practices of mathematics teachers
- Educational disadvantage in the UK: continuity and change in urban areas. The Plowden Report (1967) to the National Equality Panel Review (2010)
- Research Poster Conference 2010
- Improving urban education – some lessons from city-wide interventions
- The effect of studying a text by an author of colour: the Lit in Colour Pioneers Pilot
- Pupil interactions and networks in special schools
- Feasibility trial of an adapted anti-bullying programme for children in special schools
- Project AI-Vision: Expert Views about the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Science and Implications for Science Education
- Capacity for Research Around Teacher Education (CRATE)
- Assessing methodological trustworthiness in research
- MEDiC: Medical Education Disciplines in Comparison
- Rethinking teacher recruitment: New approaches to attracting prospective STEM teachers
- Effects of Education Endowment Foundation interventions on protection from COVID-19 learning loss
- Evaluation of the Pupil Premium Plus Post-16 Programme
- OUCEA’s Wider Engagement
- Neurodivergent Education for Students, Teaching & Learning (NESTL)
- LangQuest-EY: A self-report educator questionnaire to assess confidence in language supporting practices in early years settings
- Effectiveness Trial for the Evaluation of the Mathematical Reasoning Programme for Year 2 Pupils Using an Online Professional Development Training Model
- What Matters to Students: Embedding Student Voices in Evaluations to Improve Student Outcomes
- Oxford Education Deanery Sustainability Team
- Analysis of Costs in Traditional and Early Permanence Adoption Routes
- Assessment Materials Online
- UK secondary school students’ motivations for learning Chinese as a Foreign Language
- Online Professional Development for Delivering the Mathematical Reasoning Programme in Year 2
- Understanding and responding to the needs of kinship families from Black and Asian communities
- Research on Standards in GCSEs in Wales
- Towards equity focused approaches to EdTech: a socio-technical perspective
- Evaluation of the Mockingbird programme
- Improving Working Memory Plus Arithmetic (IWM+A)
- Early Educators’ Knowledge of Early Language Pedagogy: How can it be measured and does it matter for child language outcomes?
- The Welsh Basic Income Scheme
- Introducing standardised testing into the Flanders education system
- Hayward Review
- Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 2021
- PISA 2022 National Centre
- Perceptions of Standards in Scotland (PASS)
- Knowledge use in examinations and assessment policy formation during Covid
- Resilience in the national qualifications system in England
- Developing language-responsive mathematics classrooms
- Future of Care
- International Mobility and World Development
- FoSTER Project: Frameworks of School-support for Teachers’ Engagement with/in Research
- EsCo: Establishing a collaborative relationship for research on school mathematics teaching with linguistically disadvantaged learners
- Family Routes: Growing up in adoptive and Special Guardianship families
- Cultural artefacts and belonging: A case study of displaced and refugee young people and families in Ukraine
- Observing, Recording & Reporting Student Engagement & Motivation in Mathematics (ORRSEMM) Project
- Evaluation of the expanded duties of virtual schools
- Children’s Information: Improving lives through better listening and better data
- Fair-AIEd: Participatory design approaches to creating ethical AI for international education and development
- Promising Practices: Curiosity and Creativity
- Ethnic, socio-economic and sex inequalities in educational achievement at age 16
- Attachment and trauma awareness: good practice in local authorities
- Emptiness and educational imaginaries in small or isolated rural communities that experienced permanent school closures
- Higher education pathways for young people with a social worker
- Transnational Academic Mobility to Global South: An Exploratory Study of International Faculty in China
- The role of research in Higher Education and research assessment
- Ethical research in International and Comparative Education during Covid-19
- LANGUAGES: Comparing language use and instruction across contexts
- Education, Purpose and Human Flourishing in Uncertain Times (EPHF)
- The new normal? Technology, social equality and ethics after the COVID-19 school closures
- Shared Training and Assessment for Well-Being for Looked-After Children (feasibility study)
- Acting Outside the Box
- Improving Early Years Practice through Professional Support by Speech and Language Therapists: A feasibility study
- Is Science Lost in Translation? Language Effects in the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme Science Assessments
- Future-oriented Science Education to enhance Responsibility and engagement in the society of Acceleration and uncertainty (FEDORA)
- The Hazel Project Research
- Academic Publishing Practices: Perspectives from Ghanaian Universities
- IDESR – International Database of Education Systematic Reviews
- Global Teacher Education Consortium
- Education partnerships for development: Sustaining teacher quality in context
- Foreign language learning and its impact on wider academic outcomes: A rapid evidence assessment
- Trust and Climate Change: information for teaching in a digital age
- Teaching Effective Early Mathematics and Understanding in Primary (TEEMUP) study
- Building an Inclusive and Equitable Early Childhood Education for Refugee Children: Framework for Action
- TalkTogether: Supporting Oral Language Development
- Excluded Lives
- Outcomes of Open Adoption in Australia
- Born into Care: Towards Best Practice Guidelines when the State intervenes at birth
- Evaluation of Bright Spots
- The Automated Test of Language AbilitieS – ATLAS
- Definitions of examination standards in public examinations internationally
- R ‘intsvy’ package
- Developing appropriate assessments of English language fluency for children with English as an Additional Language (EAL)
- Evaluating effectiveness of education systems and instructional approaches with PISA data
- Judging demands and predicting task difficulty: A systematic review of the literature
- Indicators of education system effectiveness
- Using Technology in Science Tasks: Reducing the Language Barrier for Syrian Refugees in Lebanon
- Aga Khan University Language Policy Thinking Group
- Achievement growth and differential school effectiveness in Peru
- Intelligent Accountability
- PIRLS for Teachers project
- Examination reform: The impact of linear and modular examinations at GCSE
- Assessment for Learning in Africa (AFLA project)
- Setting and maintaining standards in national examinations
- Assessment and Psychometrics Research Fellowship
- IB Critical Thinking
- How do we know if children’s social care services make a difference? Developing an outcomes framework
- Regional Adoption Agencies: an evaluation
- Social Impact Bond – Moving from Residential to Foster Care
- Bright Spots: the subjective wellbeing of looked after children
- Evaluation Co-ordinator for Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme (DfE)
- Ethics review of machine learning in children’s social care
- Hadley Programme- Adoption
- Hadley Programme- Kinship Care Research
- Hadley Programme- Foster Care
- Hadley Programme – Looked After Children
- Concepts of care for separated migrant children
- Cost calculator for children’s services
- Linking care and educational data: the educational progress of looked after children in England
- Unaccompanied asylum-seeking young people: educational provision
- Alex Timpson Attachment and Trauma Awareness in Schools Programme
- Teenagers in foster care: the critical role of carers and other adults
- Impact of Unproven Allegations on Foster Carers
- Family Justice Observatory
- Exclusion of Looked After Children from English secondary schools
- Attachment Aware Schools Programme Evaluation
- Access, retention and graduate outcomes for higher education students with a background of care or family estrangement
- Care leavers’ transition into the labour market in England
- Development of an AI application & training module for frontline health care (Onyx Project)
- Starting Out Right: Early Education and Looked After Children
- Quality and Inequality in the Early Years
- Understanding the ‘Value’ of Humanities Degrees
- Supporting secondary mathematics teachers to enhance their students’ proof competencies
- Internationalisation of HE as a public good: a comparative study in four national systems
- Local and global public good contributions of higher education: a comparative study in six national systems
- Brexit, trade, migration and higher education
- LiFT: Learning for Families through Technology
- Assessment for Learning in Africa: Improving Pedagogy and Assessment for Numeracy in Foundation Years
- Effective Pre-school, Primary & Secondary Education
- The potential of biophysiology for understanding learning and teaching experiences
- The curriculum development by Training Managers (TMs) for WorldSkills Competitions and its translation into Further Education and Private Training Provider delivery in the UK
- Explanatory Modelling of Rater Behaviour
- Multaka Oxford Evaluation
- A review of the current evidence about science education in formal education settings
- Stop Start: A review of Children’s Centres in England
- Mindsets and Diversity: understanding and addressing attainment gaps amongst Oxford undergraduates in highly mathematical subjects
- Building on Design Matters? The co-design of guidance on building schools
- Design Matters? The Effects of New Schools on Students’, Teachers’ and Parents’ Actions and Perceptions
- Building an Evidence Network for Community Health Worker Training
- Growing up radical? The role of educational institutions in guiding young people’s worldview construction
- Impact Analysis of Applications to the Oxford Martin School
- Pedagogic and organisational mediation of experience in schools
- Educational Attainment and Progress of Children in Need and Children in Care
- Shared Training and Assessment for well-being (STRAWB)
- Early Years Evaluation Partnership
- Strategic School Improvement Fund
- Empowering Staff to Enhance oral language in the early years
- Engaging parents in their young children’s learning: The Parental Engagement Fund project
- Intelligent support to improve health care training in the developing world
- LIFE: Life-saving Instruction for Emergencies
- Foreign Language Education: Unlocking Reading
- Evaluation of Maths Champions
- Using Research Tools to Improve Language in the Early Years
- International Early Learning and Child Well-being study
- ISOTIS: Inclusive Education and Social Support to Tackle Inequalities in Society
- Transition from secondary education: Content and Language Integrated learning programmes (science) to tertiary education English Medium Instruction
- The unequal representation of ethnic minorities in Special Education in England: Extent, causes and consequences
- English as an Additional Language, Proficiency in English and pupils’ educational achievement
- Exploring doctoral education in Commonwealth Africa
- Rethinking Capacity Building: Ethnographic portraits of East African sciences
- Apprenticeships: Who Pays and Who Trains
- The Marketization of Further Education in England
- Understanding the CREATE Framework in Studio Schools
- Knowledge for liberation? The participatory vision of Freire, Fals-Borda, and Rahman
- Pilot study to evaluate an integrated phonics and language programme for the teaching of reading to deaf and hearing children
- A language and reading intervention programme for Chile
- Argumentation in Religion and Science
- Language and Literacy Learning in the Akshara-based Languages of India
- Progress in International Reading Literacy (PIRLS) 2016 Assessment
- Reading Together: Effectiveness of an Enhanced Book-Gifting Intervention
- Improving Children’s Working Memory
- Evaluation of Maths Reasoning
- Study of Early Education and Development
- Evaluation of the Big Lottery Fund’s ‘Fulfilling Lives: A Better Start’ programme
- Programme Lead: Raising Learning Outcomes in Education Systems in Developing Countries
- Education and Uncertainty
- Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme (DfE)
- Disparities in rates of permanent exclusion from school across the UK
- Evaluation of Siblings Together Buddy Project
- Supporting mental health of looked after children around primary-secondary transition
- Evaluation London Fostering Achievement Programme
- Research Reviews
- Enhancing Summative Assessment of Practical Science Skills at GCSE
- The Nuffield Nursery Language Programme
- Effectiveness Trial of the Nuffield Early Language Intervention Effectiveness Programme
- Understanding NEETs: Individual and institutional determinants of youth inactivity in France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands and the UK
- Evaluation of Edge Hill University’s 1stClass@Number; a Mathematics Intervention for Children in Year 1
- Teaching and Learning International Survey (TALIS) Video Study
- Evaluation of the University of Nottingham’s onebillion Mathematics Intervention
- eCraft2Learn
- GoGirl: Code and Create
- Young-beginner learners: the relationship between decoding ability and motivation
- Young-beginner learners: an intervention into reading and writing skills and strategies
- POLICY BRIEF: Measuring Outcomes for Care Leavers
- December 2022 Newsletter
- April 2023 Newsletter
- July 2023 Newsletter
- December 2023 Newsletter
- May 2024 Newsletter
- Outcomes of Open Adoption from Care
- The subjective well-being of children and young people in out of home care: psychometric analyses of the “Your Life, Your Care” survey
- An exploratory review of the role of research mediators in social science
- Differentiated associations between childhood maltreatment experiences and social understanding: A meta-analysis and systematic review
- Situating maltreatment in the social context: Challenges for research
- Study reveals key to education success for looked-after children
- The educational progress of young people in out-of-home care
- Adoptive parents’ experiences of social support and attitudes towards adoption
- Modifiable predictors of depression following childhood maltreatment: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Childhood adversity, social support networks and well-being among youth aging out of care: An exploratory study of mediation
- When is a child’s forensic statement deemed credible? A comparison of physical and sexual abuse cases.
- Social support networks of care leavers: Mediating between childhood adversity and adult functioning
- Good practice in parent and child fostering
- What is the impact of placement type on educational and health outcomes of unaccompanied refugee minors? A systematic review of the evidence
- Risk and resilience in the transition to adulthood from the point of view of care leavers and caseworkers
- Is the care system to blame for the poor educational outcomes of children looked after? Evidence from a systematic review and national database analysis
- Residential Group Care as a Last Resort: Challenging the Rhetoric
- Previous life experiences and the vulnerability of children adopted from out-of-home care: The impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences and child welfare decision making
- Patterns of participation in higher education for care-experienced students in England: why has there not been more progress?
- Experts, knowledge and criticality in the age of ‘alternative facts’: re-examining the contribution of higher education
- Mature female learners activating agency after completion of an education foundation degree: professional progression and the teacher shortage crisis
- Students-as-insurers: Rethinking ‘risk’ for disadvantaged young people considering higher education in England
- The educational progress and outcomes of children in care: editorial
- The role of the Virtual School in supporting improved educational outcomes for children in care
- Children in care or in need: educational progress at home and in care
- Teenagers in foster care: Issues, themes, and debates from and for practice and policy
- Who do they think they are: making sense of self in residential care, foster care, and adoption
- The education of children in care and children in need: Who falls behind and when?
- Institutionalisation and deinstitutionalisation of children 2: policy and practice recommendations for global, national, and local actors
- Employment and further study outcomes for care-experienced graduates in the UK
- Working in the borderlands: critical perspectives on doctoral education
- Conceptualising care in children’s social services
- Children in care in education: who is entered for exams and who reaches critical thresholds of success at age 16?
- Foster Carers’ Receptiveness to New Innovations and Programmes: An Example from the Introduction of Social Pedagogy to UK Foster Care
- ‘Closing the gap’: the conditions under which children in care are most likely to catch up in mainstream schools
- School experiences of Children in Need: Learning and support
- The effectiveness of book-gifting programmes to enhance the reading skills of children in care: A randomised controlled trial of ‘Reading Together’ in England
- Using the talking album to elicit the views of young children in foster care regarding a reading intervention
- Looked after Children and Young People in England: Developing Measures of Subjective Well-Being
- Looked after children and young people’s views on what matters to their subjective well-being
- I wish someone would explain why I am in care”: The impact of children and young people’s lack of understanding of why they are in out-of-home care on their well-being and felt security
- Keeping in Touch: looked after children and young people’s views on their contact arrangements
- Exploring Local Authority Variation in Looked After Young People’s Subjective Well-being
- Conceptualising educational provision for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in England
- The Fair Ways Staying Close Project: Evaluation report
- The Break Staying Close, Staying Connected Project: Evaluation report
- The House Project for young people leaving care: Evaluation report
- Mockingbird programme: Evaluation report
- An evaluation of the Bradford B Positive Pathways innovation programme
- Lifelong Links: Evaluation report
- The Exclusion of Looked After Children from English Secondary Schools: A Longitudinal Mixed Methods Examination
- Conceptualising educational provision for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children in England
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: school staff perspectives during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: analysis of staff interviews and pupil focus groups in 26 case study schools
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: headteachers’ perspectives on the impact on vulnerable children, staff and the school
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: analysis of interviews with local authority programme leads
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: analysis of training delivered in 26 local authorities
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: analysis of pre-Covid staff interviews and pupil focus groups in five case study schools
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: analysis of pre-Covid staff interviews and pupil focus groups in five case study schools
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: analysis of pre-Covid survey data from staff in 24 primary schools
- Supporting adoptive families: the views of adoptive parents in four regional adoption agencies
- The views and experiences of approved adopters in five regional adoption agencies
- The views and experiences of prospective adopters in five regional adoption agencies
- Evaluation of regional adoption agencies: Annex to the second report 2019-2020
- Evaluation of regional adoption agencies: First report 2018 to 2019 Copy
- Evaluation of regional adoption agencies: Second report 2019 to 2020
- Evaluation of regional adoption agencies: inception and scoping report
- An Evaluation of the Bright Spots Programme
- Bright Spots insight paper: Understanding why you are in care
- Bright Spots insight paper: Challenging stigma in the care system
- Bright Spots: What Makes Life Good? Care Leavers’ Views on their Well-being (full report)
- Bright Spots: Staying Connected (Key findings and recommendations)
- Bright Spots: Staying Connected: The views of looked after children and young people on their contact arrangements
- Bright Spots: 10,000 voices: The views of children in care on their well-being – Key findings and recommendations
- Bright Spots: 10,000 voices: The views of children in care on their well-being
- 10000 Voices insight – the views of children in kinship foster care on their well-being (Key findings)
- 10000 Voices insight – the views of children in kinship foster care on their well-being (Full report)
- Born into Care: Draft best practice guidelines when the state intervenes at birth (for feasibility testing)
- Born into Care: Developing best practice guidelines for when the state intervenes at birth
- Urgent Care Proceedings for New-born Babies in England and Wales – Time for a Fundamental Review
- Born into care: newborns in care proceedings in England
- Analysis of Costs in Traditional and Early Permanence Adoption Routes
- Improving the effectiveness of virtual schools
- Overcoming Behavioural & Cultural Barriers to Multi-agency Information Sharing in Children’s Social Care
- Care leavers’ transition into the labour market in England
- Attachment and trauma awareness training: school staff perspectives during the Covid-19 pandemic
- April 2022 Newsletter
- December 2021 Newsletter
- Attachment Aware & Trauma-Informed Schools Programmes
- Born into Care: Towards inclusive guidelines when the State intervenes at birth: Review of current guidance documents
- Perinatal loss: key messages for infant removal at birth: An evidence review
- The Effectiveness of an Enhanced Book-Gifting Intervention for Improving Reading Outcomes for Children in Care: Final Report
- November 2021 Newsletter
- July 2021 Newsletter
- February 2021 Newsletter
- The Impact of Attachment and Trauma Awareness Training: Pre-COVID-19 results from 24 primary schools
- Leading an Attachment Aware Schools Programme: The local authority experience of supporting a nurturing learning community
- Children’s social care cost pressures and variation in unit costs
- What Makes Life Good? Care Leavers’ Views on Their Well-Being – Key Findings
- What is school really like for children in care
- July 2020 Newsletter
- Understanding the relationship between the use of care and care proceedings
- Positive Impact? HESA analysis: employment and further study outcomes for care experienced undergraduates in the 2016/17 graduate cohort
- Children in Need and Children in Care: Educational Attainment and Progress
- May 2020 Newsletter
- Challenging stigma in the care system
- March 2020 Newsletter
- Ethics Review of Machine Learning in Children’s Social Care
- December 2019 newsletter
- School Exclusions and issues for looked after and adopted children
- Building resilience for young people in your school
- October 2019 Newsletter
- July 2019 Newsletter
- Evaluation of the Multisystemic Therapy Service in Essex
- How do we know if children’s social care services make a difference? Development of an outcomes framework
- Care experienced students in higher education: how they get there and how they get on
- Rees Centre YouTube channel
- Feb 2018 Newsletter No. 26
- Apr 2018 Newsletter No. 27
- Jul 2018 Newsletter No. 28
- Oct 2018 Newsletter No. 29
- Mar 2019 Newsletter No. 30
- Jun 2019 Newsletter No. 31
- Supporting Each Other: An international literature review on peer contact between foster carers
- What benefits and challenges do secondary schools face in implementing whole school approaches to attachment and trauma?
- What does research suggest about supporting positive outcomes for children in foster care? (slides)
- Resources from National Virtual Schools Headteachers’ Conference, Oxford, 21 March 2014
- What can schools do to raise attainment and learning of looked after children? (audio recording with slides)
- What the research tells us about improving educational outcomes of looked after children (slides)
- What research suggests might be most effective use of Pupil Premium (Plus) for improving educational outcomes of looked after children (slides)
- What are the factors associated with the educational outcomes of children in care? A systematic review (slides)
- Informing and Evaluating PeerSupportGroups(powerpoint slides)
- Participating in Research as an Interviewer – a foster carer’s perspective (powerpoint slides)
- Parent and child fostering: messages from research and practice (pdf)
- An overview of designs used in research in fostering (powerpoint slides)
- Making sense of the research evidence: Improving Educational Outcomes for Young People In Care (slides)
- Evidence informed educational practice for children in care (Slides)
- Pupil premium
- Messages from Rees Centre research
- What works in preventing and treating poor mental health in looked after children?
- Educational Progress of Looked After Children in England (pdf)
- Recruiting foster carers (pdf)
- Starting Out Right: Early Education and Looked After Children report (pdf)
- Collection of articles and accompanying introduction on mental health and looked after children
- Educational Progress
- Findings from study on impact of unproven allegations on foster carers – impact on birth children (pdf)
- What works in children’s social care? Messages from Wave 1, DfE Children’s Social Care Programme (pdf)
- Educational Attainment of Young People in Care
- Challenging discourses of aspiration: The role of expectations and attainment in access to higher education
- Access, participation and capabilities: theorising the contribution of university bursaries to students’ well-being, flourishing and success
- Experts, knowledge and criticality in the age of ‘alternative facts’: re-examining the contribution of higher education
- Using the Lens of ‘Possible Selves’ to Explore Access to Higher Education: A New Conceptual Model for Practice, Policy, and Research
- The Role of the Virtual School in supporting improved educational outcomes for children in care
- The destitution of young refugees in the UK
- Students-as-insurers: rethinking ‘risk’ for disadvantaged young people considering higher education in England
- Children’s reasoning about the self-presentational consequences of apologies and excuses following rule violations
- Calculating the costs of local authority care for children with contrasting needs
- Why do people become foster carers? An international literature review on the motivation to foster
- How are foster carers selected? An international literature review of instruments used within foster carer selection
- The impact of fostering on foster carers’ children. An international literature review
- Effective Parent-And-Child Fostering. An international literature review
- The role of the supervising social worker in foster care. An international literature review
- What works in preventing and treating poor mental health in looked after children?
- The recruitment, assessment, support and supervision of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender foster carers. An international literature review
- What is the relationship between being in care and the educational outcomes of children? An international systematic review
- Educational Progress of Looked After Children in England: Linking Care and Educational Data
- Evaluation of the London Fostering Achievement Programme
- Impact of Unproven Allegations on Foster Carers
- Teenagers in foster care: A handbook for foster carers and those that support them
- What is known about the placement and outcomes of siblings in foster care? An international literature review
- Evaluation of the Siblings Together Buddy Project
- Evaluation of Birmingham City Council’s Step Down Programme – preliminary findings
- Final Report on Evaluation of Children’s Social Care Innovation Programme
- Bath and North East Somerset Attachment Aware Schools Evaluation Report (pdf)
- Leicestershire Attachment Aware Schools Programme Evaluation Report (pdf)
- Stoke on Trent Attachment Aware Schools Programe Evaluation Report (pdf)
- Evaluation of Birmingham City Council’s Step Down Programme, Final Report (pdf)
- Patterns of participation in higher education for care-experienced students in England: why has there not been more progress?
- Why is understanding attachment and trauma so important?
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